
Comments (13)

What do you think?

create a compleate game not only final fight

hmm dude why cyf is not importing that apollo fight or whatever file

Game Soundtrack

1 song

BRAVERY The Demon's End

OtherWorld: Devil's Blood is a Undertale fangame that will consist of a whole new world to explore! New characters! New storyline! New Endings! And new mechanics! The game will be made slowly but surely! Also if you have any feedback please inform me! I would love to hear everyone's suggestions or things that need to be fixed! Enjoy! :D #fangame #undertale

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

I am taking a little break from the game. It is quite exhausting so the break will hopefully do me some good and then I can continue.

Newer version of the demo build is out now! Also I'm thinking the next time I update the demo build I'll add a small little bonus battle that you can play! But like I mean it will be REALLY small... Sorry I'm trying here. ;-;

I'm planning on adding my own stats believe it or not but the starting HP will be 4 ;-; Oh and also the max LV will not be 20 ;)


Enjoy the little sneak peak of what's to come XD and no this isn't the final fight... And if you didn't know Apollo will have a 2nd Phase finished as soon as possible so thank you for being patient! Enjoy the demo while you wait!

I have remade 6 of Apollo's attacks making them harder and even included a new mechanic in some of them! Also I am starting to work on another fight that may or may not be added into the Demo! ;)


A little sneak peak on the new first attack lol trust me even if you tried to block the arrow it wont let you XD (This has been scrapped)

I am working on an update for the demo of the Apollo Genocide fight by including a new mechanic! Oh and harder attacks... Sorry ;-;

Another thing to note is that Apollo is NOT a replacement of Undyne he just has the same mechanic as her. But as I said before new mechanics will probably be added later! (And new characters!) :D

The Demo build will include a early version of Phase 1 Genocide Apollo and nothing else. There will be a confirmed Phase 2 for Genocide Apollo but a little spoiler, it is a short Phase 2. I will try to update you all on things without spoiling the game.


It's official! We are now working on the fangame! Here is a little teaser trailer and the small demo will come out soon! But one thing to keep in mind everything you see is subject to change! Enjoy!

Link to the teaser trailer:

Undertale: Devil's Blood Trailer ~Genocide~
This will be a bit of a spoiler for my Undertale fangame called Undertale: Devil's Blood! This fangame includes new characters! New items! New bosses! And ev...
