
Comments (13)

What do you think?


I saw a glimpse of your game in PewDiePie's video

Nice game. I would like to see more content. Will you improve it even further after the contest?

I wasnt able to play your game, but I included it in part 28 of my IndiesVsPewdiepie compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)

I was watching your livestream. I might play it for my YouTube channel:

Pickle multiplayer racing game. Race with four players to the finish line...

The Pirate Pickle, The Doctor Pickle, The Astro Pickle and The Cowboy Pickle.

The game will not start untill four players have connected.

Keys are Arrow Keys OR WASD to move, Left Ctrl to throw pickle jars, Right Control to drop landmines, or Left and Right mouse buttons....

LiveStream :

Twitter : @team_pickle


Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans


Will add some screenshots of the release version of the game in a couple of hours… might even make a video If I can find our fraps password…

After Voting


Game has been released… Jam is over, we are all very tired… Just updated the instructions with a description and controls…… It is playable, but still has it’s share of bugs…..

Thats all folks….

Day 3