
Comments (7)

What do you think?


for your gamer picture you know

how do you get a picture its pretty hard

Pretty lame. No sense of speed or depth - two things I instantly associate with parkour.


Game Soundtrack

1 song

Jazz in Paris (Media Right Productions)

This game is ment to be broken for the purpose of comedy, and stuff like that. If you want a sequel please email me at [email protected], I do make non-broken games, some that I'm currently working on at the moment. So if you're excpecting something else in the future you can count on it :)

Kind Regards, Matthew Hill

Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

New Game Soon!

Build 0.2 Releasing soon!

Build 0.1 Release!

Hey guys, just here to say thanks for the support hope to make more games for you guys and stuff. So BUILD 0.1’s OUT SO PARTY (I still need to fix many bugs)

Hang in there

-matthew hill