
Comments (65)

What do you think?

Cool concept! I'm just as spazzy controlling the character as its movements look, haha.

Great Game

Funny game ;) indeed

And I'm glad that I was allowed to contributed the music and sfx to this game, hah :)

Very fun game.
He has entertained a good time :)

Awesome game mate! A bit too frustrating, even though that is the man drive of the game. But I guess if you had a bit more time, that can be smoothed out :D

Should you have problems in the browser version with bullets not hitting anything, please download the Windows version, which is more stable.

Puppeteer Police is my entry for the #indiesvspewdiepie jam.

You play the first ever robotic police officer and have to save Placeholder City from the evil Black Sock Ninjas, a gang of wobbly assassins that are up to no good.

You control your character by dragging the different nodes around, it works similar as a marionette.


  • Awkward walking (approved by the Ministry of Silly Walks)

  • Imprecise shooting on both sides

  • Silly dances

  • Cheap deaths

The game is now finished. It has only very few levels, but I hope you like it and leave a rating and comment. Thanks! :)

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
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