
Comments (74)

What do you think?

how do i change to english

@KoDyXD hay un bug muy grave si usas la pala luego de que cae el ultimo zombie que obliga a el juego a cerrrarse mi recomendacion es que el juego detecte que haz derrotado a el ultimo zombie y compruebe que estas usando la pala


si ultimo_zombi = muerto

dar a usando_pala? = no

Is this available in English?


This game is phenomenal. At certain points, it even feels more official than the real game. It is truly a testament to what Plants versus Zombies 2 should have been.

The level design is unbelievably good. Taking inspiration from the original style maps of PVZ2, the creator separates each world into one single path with branches leading to optional challenges. These main levels are designed with the same philosophy as the original game, slowly introducing new elements with FAIR and REWARDING difficulty. Unlike the official sequel, which seems to randomly disperse levels that vaguely increase in challenge, this fan project clearly had direction when designing its worlds.

Besides the main levels, the off-branch levels were also designed in a way that added extra challenges instead of filling up space. Not only were these bonus levels quite challenging (which is a good surprise), They also introduced new plants or gimmicks in a natural way that made the player feel excited for beating each level.

Visually at first, it looks nearly identical to PVZ2. Where it differs, however, is from the technical talent required to animate each plant or zombie. The smoother animations make the art style pop out; a trait that was squandered by Pop Cap and their comparatively amateur animating skills.

Finally, I was impressed by the general balancing of the game; Plants that in the original felt useless were remade to be more fair and fun to use. In turn, plants that were overpowered Received balancing changes that made them work with the rest of the game.

Overall, this is one of the best fan games I've ever played for PVZ. It's a shame that its title might throw some people off. Regardless, keep up the good work. I can't wait to see how this game develops.

Game Soundtrack

4 songs

PvZ2 Time Travels es un fan game que busca recrear el modo aventura del PvZ2 Original pero ahora para PC.

Esta disponible para PC y Android.

La actualización 0.3.8 incluye:

19 niveles nuevos para el Salvaje Oeste.

7 plantas nuevas adquiribles a lo largo del Salvaje Oeste.

12 vaqueros/zombis nuevos.

Se ha agregado un nuevo power up en el Salvaje Oeste.

Nueva opción para colocar plantas en el patio del Modo Editor.

Varias mejoras.

Dave y Penny siguen de vacaciones por lo que no están en esta actualización


-La versión de Android puede crashear cuando se abre, solo ábrelo de nuevo xd

-La versión de Android puede tener un error al instalarse, por favor si eso ocurre dímelo necesito mas información para arreglar el problema.


-Android version may crash when open, just open it again xd

-The Android version may encounter an error during installation. If this happens, please let me know. I need more information to fix the issue.

#fangame #pvz #plantsvszombies #strategy #pvz2

Mild Cartoon Violence

Finalmente todos los zombis estan completamene animados!

Finally all the zombies are fully animated!

this zombie definitely represents me


No han deseado que las plantas sean exclusivas de power ups?

Haven't you wanted plants to be exclusive to power ups?

Añadiendo mas cositas que absolutamente nadie pidió :3

Ya he comenzado a hacer el contenido del salvaje oeste

I have already started creating wild west content

Yep, ya está finalizada la 0.3.4 y también el port de android

Esperen la update talvez para mañana ;)

Se viene un menú para los power ups y de paso un nuevo power up para el antiguo egipto

Aun no sé cual sería el precio del power up Tormenta de Arena, además creo que el Cañonazo está muy barato xd

Edit: tal vez cree un server de discord pero no sé cómo xd

Al fin pude hacer funcionar el teclado sin que se bugee bien feo xd

Finalmente terminé todo el contenido de Mares Piratas y solo tengo que decir una cosa.

Odié hacer los niveles de los zombis gavioteros y su minijuego

Si todo sale bien (lo que ha sido el caso) seguramente esta semana publicaré la versión 0.2.3 que solo agregará unos cuantos cambios, mejoras, bug fixes y una pequeña sneak peek de Mares Piratas :D