
Comments (20)

What do you think?

i'll pass on this. grammar needs work. cut off text and mistakes right in the beginning. bad sign

Hey Toshi. It's been some time. Sorry I haven't commented, and sadly I can't play the game now... I had to switch to a non-gaming PC so it can't handle a lot... I even have a hard time just playing an SAO game I was following for a while now... But I just wanted to check in to see how the development has been.

Hey it's me again and how is the game standing my friend Toshi?

More gameplay

im gona fallow this, just to see hoow it will turn out.....hope you releace a short demo so i can give you feedback on this

Game Soundtrack

4 songs

Reaper is a game where you play as Serena and live a normal high school life untill the day came for her Essence test. Normally this test shows which Essence of nature you can use but for Serena she could use a type of Essence never seen before. Soon after everything goes into chaos and secrets about the world they live in are revealed. Will she overcome the odds and restore the world or will she give into the power she has? This game is completely about player choice and will feature two paths a good or evil path with a good or evil ending.

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

New Demo

I have made a new demo of the game. There is alot more I have done but this is all I want to show for now. I plan to realease either another demo before the month is over or the full game at the end of this month or in november.


This is a short demo. If you want to see more then leave a comment and I will make a new demo.

Update 5/29

Reaper news

This will be my first game ever made so please leave any advice you have in

the comments.