
Comments (36)

What do you think?

I'm stuck, I've been through the castle, saved the village people, defeated the lave stone giant, helped the old man at the tavern, killed all 5 demon lords, acquired the staff of Healing, passed through the flames of hell and stabbed the forgotten angel with the dagger of the remembered devil... NOW WHAT?

the game sounds boring

Good job sir! Way better than silent hill downpour!

very realistic

bravo to the amazing game :3. have a good day :)

There are simulators for just about every single thing possible. But one thing that the gaming community is missing, is a good rock simulator. I mean, who wouldnt want to spend hours on end simulating a rock. I sure as heck would. And thats why im proud to announce Rock Simulator 2015. Rock Simulator 2015 has three different maps and have more maps and features to come in future update. So stay tuned for more content.

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