
Comments (11)

What do you think?

Nice game! I found it a bit difficult because enemies started shooting so soon that it was almost impossible to dodge their shots. Maybe their shoots should be a bit slower so you have the chance to dodge them. I also liked the music a lot :)

Took me a bit to find enemies, but good game. I included it in part 5 of my GameBoy Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :)

Thank you all for the awesome comments!

Good game, easy to play, I enjoyed playing it!

Good game, easy to play, I enjoyed playing it!

#gbjam3 Have fun flying around killing aliens and trying to beat your highscore! This is my entry for GBJAM3 If any bugs or problems please e-mail me at [email protected] or message me here.

First track Graciously created by Darren Curtis for my game. Thank you!

Second track of music composed by daniel sabsay his youtube channel can be found here and his sound cloud can be found here. to update track while music is playing press m.

Mild Fantasy Violence

#gbjam3 Space Attack

#gbjam3 Space Attack Update V 1.1!

#gbjam3 Space Attack Update V 1.1!

Change Log

Music and the controls to start and stop music.

Thats it :D.

Special Thanks to Darren Curtis for creating music for my game.

#gbjam3 Space Attack side note and ready for windows download.

#gbjam3 Space Attack Complete ready for windows download!

#gbjam3 Space Attack Complete ready for windows download!

Video Coming shortly.

#gbjam3 Space Attack Update.

#gbjam3 AI is complete and the scoring system is complete. Only thing I need to implement now is lives, a shield system, and of course the spawn system for the waves of enemies and I’m done.