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a pack made by HunterTronMusic&Games for the game Sticky Paws

make sure you have the demo/full version of Sticky Paws before downloading!!!

installation instructions in the package as well!

Sticky Paws can be found here:

#FanMade #MusicPack #Mod #fanproject


plans after V.3(demo):

1. start working on the full pack

2. remaster/add onto the existing tracks to give the tracks more of a vibe

3.fix and tune audio for the new tracks that will be made

4. fix and tune any issues anyone has with the V.3(demo)

a upcoming V.3 release for the demo version of the music pack should be the final demo update. this should fix how loud the audio is. so you dont got to mess around with settings when V.3 releases at some point for the demo ver. of the music pack.

Sticky Paws Fan Soundtrack Music Pack (demo ver.) V.2 changelog: (read article)

boss + level one music tacks coming in a update at some point. as well as a fix to instructions soon.