Comments (78)
This looks so cool and awesome! But, don't you think it's been enough locations and they still haven't learned? So now there is Willy's Pizza Parlor, Fredbear's Family Diner, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza (two of them!) and Circus Baby's Pizza World. Woah. They have not learned that these animatronics aren't right?!
This is great, This ligit made my jaw drop. Congrats for owning such a fine game ^-^
is this game related to willy and friends in any way?
Horrible graphics, horrible modeling, and just many things I don't want to see in a fan game. Also, your saying good animation but we haven't seen any animation at all yet. And really? The first location? Nobody wants a second location if we don't have enough info on the first. Your giving hardly any story. What
Your basically saying is that this fan game is like every other fan game. Put some work into this dude. I'll be back to see how it looks but until then, not a fan!
Welcome to the newly branded Wally's Pizza Place! Here we strive to give an optimal entertainment experience with state of the art animatronics built by our best engineers! You've been hired to watch over the technology and make sure all goes well during closing hours. We hope you enjoy your stay, and remember, you are the new face of Wally's Pizza!
#fnaf #horror #indie