
Comments (26)

What do you think?

i just cant wait for the game

HEY everyone this game is getting slow because of personal things in my family and other things so this game will take a little longer but trust me it be worth it

Hey guys!!!!! Soz about the low content there has been a problem wth My computer and some of the data got lost but I'm getting it back ok so don't worry! Also if anyone want to make a vid on this page then shire do i would totally accept that!!!!!

soz guys theres a problem but I'm fixing it

hey guys

Welcome to Those nights with the springies...

Intense Cartoon Violence


Ok so everything so far is about 30%

Thnx to

BuddyGamourYT,FnaFGuy1175,goldenfreddymaster1000 and everyone that helped have fun with those trailers -Jasp

Not free roam

ok so hi guys just to get it out there its not free roam but it’ll act like it

Tralier Help!!!

ok so i can’t make trailers so if someone could make one and put a link in a comment ill test which trailers best(i can give u anything for the trailer)