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Task: to beat the opponent's checkers from the board

Mechanic: finger click on his checker, and a sharp movement mouse toss pot. Initial speed checkers depends on how sharply throw was made .

The game consists of 50 levels with different sets of checkers player and the opponent's checkers . Opponent is the computer . There are three types of enemy difficulty : easy , medium and hard . For completing the level given star (1 , 2 or 3 stars depending on the difficulty level ) , as well as offering the next level.

Checkers are of three types :
1. Infantry. The simplest block , without features. Weight 1.
2. Gunner . Feature: all checkers bounce by 25% stronger position. Weight 2 .
3. Tank. Feature: Absorbs 25% of the momentum from the impact. Weight 6.

Publishing on Google Play

HD version
Lite version
Full version

HD Version Limitations:

  1. Available: 50 of 50 levels, but 20 levels available after viewing the ads

  2. FPS 60

  3. Not support ArmV6 processors

  4. Present ads

Lite Version Limitations:
1 Available: 30 of 50 levels
2 Present ads

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