
Comments (80)

What do you think?

um so i didn't get off one of the platforms and the soul went all the way up on the screen then fell outside of the box somehow

a little annoyed with no heals but pretty good game otherwise

This is a really solid fan game, especially since its made in 2 weeks. It respects san's character, it isn't too hard, its incredibly smooth and the music is amazing. Also nice that you used the TML engine for this lol

Personally I think what would help the games difficulty would be modes like easy mode or hard mode where you get a certain number of heals. example in hard mode you get no heals or very weak heals.

Hitboxes could definitely use some work. The top of bones have too big of a hitbox imo. It's very noticeable during the bone wave attacks.

Theres also one part im not a huge fan of. That being the part with rng bone gaps + platforms. If the gap spawns really low, you have to do a very, very tiny jump. It doesn't feel consistent at all.

Besides that, this is pretty good.

The lack of audio feels very.. jarring, to say the least.

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Tears In The Rain Epicified | By Epic

This is just a small game made in 15 days on my take on Undertale: Tears In The Rain with a new story and concept


Music by Epic

Coded by Me

Sprites by Me

Awesome thumbnail art: @SpaceStationaryCORE

Undertale: Toby Fox

Undertale Tears in the Rain: Drop0ff

#fangame #undertale #sans #tearsintherain

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