
Comments (73)

What do you think?

um so i didn't get off one of the platforms and the soul went all the way up on the screen then fell outside of the box somehow

a little annoyed with no heals but pretty good game otherwise

This is a really solid fan game, especially since its made in 2 weeks. It respects san's character, it isn't too hard, its incredibly smooth and the music is amazing. Also nice that you used the TML engine for this lol

Personally I think what would help the games difficulty would be modes like easy mode or hard mode where you get a certain number of heals. example in hard mode you get no heals or very weak heals.

The lack of audio feels very.. jarring, to say the least.

I sent my friend the file for the game and when he opened it his name was already set to the abbreviation of his real name and it wont let him change it and let me just say I'm confused.

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Tears In The Rain Epicified | By Epic

This is just a small game made in 15 days on my take on Undertale: Tears In The Rain with a new story and concept


Music by Epic

Coded by Me

Sprites by Me

Awesome thumbnail art: @SpaceStationaryCORE

Undertale: Toby Fox

Undertale Tears in the Rain: Drop0ff

#fangame #undertale #sans #tearsintherain


small patch just uploaded can you guys download 1.01 instead rq


the first version of the game is up! Happy halloween!

click c to skip the intro

please dont tab out or do anything that might cause it to freeze for a second because it will make it offtime which looks bad


sorry sorry one moment

smth happened with the upload but i think thats good cuz i needed to fix a timing mistake anyways

here comes the game doo doo doo doo

game releasing in approximately one hour

heading to school rn but i sent the game to some ppl for testing

when i get home i will do some final fixing and finishing stuff like naming secrets and stuff then it will be released later today!


the overworld was easier than i thought it would be

im gonna do some finishing touches before release tomorrow but for now im gonna pause cuz ive been coding since i got home from school

all 3 endings are done!

it took me a while to make the third one

gonna continue overworld now then the game is ready

ending 1/3 done making credits rn then its on to the next 2 then ow

after that the game should be done and ready to go

lets goo

the fight is done finally

just gotta

-make the endings

-finish ow

-make credits

-finishing touches

then the game is done

i probably will make updates for this game aswell

possibly achievements, difficulties, modes, and maybe more