
Comments (11)

What do you think?

← → arrow: Move the game / inventory / book
I: open inventory
Space: interaction with the environment / selection of inventory
Esc: Return to main menu

I was getting frustrated at not knowing what to do, so I went straight to the dev website and found there were other controls(as displayed above). You should really get to putting this in the description and save some people the trouble.

Where is Boo Radley ?

Having trouble with the download...

Alright, finished it. This might be a long post, so be prepared.

Story: I really like it. As far as that goes, this is probably the best story I've seen on Game Jolt thus far. You definitely had me interested in the world and the myths.

Gameplay: Interesting, for sure. This kind of game usually isn't my thing, but I liked the way this played pretty well. It's just a matter of solving a few puzzles.

Art/Sound: Both really good. Not much more to say on that front.

Criticism: There are some bugs and annoyances. If you are killed by the final demon, sometimes the player will be invisible afterwards. I don't like how the game still gives you "space" prompts after things no longer have a use. It can be hard to tell where a certain demon, not to spoil, is in relation to the ground, making it hard to deal with.

I also don't like the "ha ha! You did something mundane and died for it!" That said, both instances happen early on, but then force you to go through the opening dialogue again. I'd be careful with that. It gets irritating.

Some of the dialogue could use some editing, but that's forgivable.

It's a great game, and I would recommend it to anyone who likes adventure games/legends. I played through the whole thing, so it kept me invested that long. Well done.

Hmmm... the graphics and concept are great but ill just cant figure out how to move on from that "demon"

Our hero arrives to visit a professor who is an expert in Slavic mythology. He needs to borrow from him a rare book. But the professor is not to be found. What happened? And why is everyone in his house behaving so strangely?

(The information in the journal is helpful!)

Mockingbird is a small adventure/rpg game that was created as a part of several weekend sessions. The game explores a slavic mansion populated by a supernatural beings, that can harm or aid player, depending on their alignment and personality. Player interacts with the world by drawing chalk symbols on floor, magical runes that affect creatures living here.

This ambition idea was explored in a pretty short flash game, created with love and passion by a group of dedicated friends.

← → arrow: Move the game / inventory / book
I: open inventory
Space: interaction with the environment / selection of inventory
Esc: Return to main menu

Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Suggestive Themes
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