
Comments (38)

What do you think?

i was planning on doing something like this, well done bro, definitely going to play it!

No, still not working rive

If you are developing the game on Windows 8 and exproting it ONLY windows 8 then do both export for WINDOWS and WINDOWS 8 Cuz WINODWS 8 and WINDOWS 7 aren't the same!

Will there ba multiplayer mode?

this is great! you can roast ghepards!!!

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

  • Open-world island to explore

  • Randomly-generated terrain

  • Tool crafting

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

UPDATE #27: Finished Terrain

The new terrain generation algorithm is finished. It randomly generates and is much more efficient than past methods.

Expect the next playable release soon.


UPDATE #26: Terrain Sneak Peek

Check out a screenshot of the random terrain-generator under development!

UPDATE #25: Random Terrain Generation

Work is currently being done on random terrain generation. Take a look at some notes:

Demo coming soon.

UPDATE #24: Change...again

UPDATE #23: Future Kickstarter

UPDATE #22: Updated Game Description

UPDATE #21: Latest Screenshot!

Enjoy the warmth!


UPDATE #20: We want your input

UPDATE #19: Hover Vehicles

We just wanted to show the hover vehicles that will be featured in the neighborhood.

Each street will be one-way, but that won’t stop you from going the wrong way, crashing and causing a massive fire.


UPDATE #18: New Town Feature