
Comments (9)

What do you think?

Hello, nice game, although a bit short. I included in my joltmaster video if you want to take a look

that sound was horrifying

They want my blood!

Cute game. :)
The graphics have an oldschool charm.
Those monsters really assert themselves.

Only one level?

Really difficult game - felt that the hit boxes were a bit off, but great start! I included it in part 2 of my GBJam 4 compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)


Play as a Turtle Monster and help him get stronger by defeating other monsters. #gbjam

Click start to start.

Controls: Arrow Keys for movement while moving you can shoot a bubble with the spacebar in the direction you are moving. (This adds to the diffculty) I tried to make the game nintendo hard.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

Main soundtrack done and Title screen.


Added AI and enemies

Now that the AI and enemies have been added I can work on more art work.

Bubble attack collisions are now working.

Just implemented bubble attack collision.

Just added a Bubble attack for the Turtle Monster.

Hey everyone! I’ve just added an attack for the turtle monster and I’m excited to get the core of the game done before adding all the visuals and extra tweaks. Stay tuned!