
Comments (22)

What do you think?

Very impressive for a game made only in few days. Looks great and very professional. game play is fun and quite funny. It made me smile all through playing also very much liked the sound track and special effect sounds. Well done and good luck with future endevours.

The graphics on the header look impeccable.

Makes me want play more and more! 5/5

Nice polished game with good animation. Very fun!

Great graphics, well made gameplay.

Game Soundtrack

1 song


Keep mashing that play button! It Works I promise... eventually... :P

Use arrow keys to navigate

Light up the matches!

How fast can you beat all 6 levels?

You can light up matches only when you are in movement and have fuel.

A game made for #indiesvspewdiepie

This game is about internal struggles of... naaah just kidding! It's about a psycotic lighter... it is about survival. It' s about taking those bastards out before your flame dies...

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Crass Humor

New banner image!

Spent 1/3 of the jame making banner… worth it Kappa.

Late to the party

I have started quite late because my workday managed to drag on for a very long time making me miss the start of Pewdiepie jam.

Oh well… more motiviation to work faster :D

What does the fox say?

We have a sound guy now! He is creating a 30 sec audio loop for us!

Check him out!