
Comments (7)

What do you think?

1.1k views and 205 plays thanks everyone who viewed or played the game

Can you make this game Chinese as well please 可以此游戏的中国吗

out now

as you play as sans you go and try to save frisk as you go to save frisk you find clones of your self to help you on your adventure some are bad some are good


still working on it

im still working on the game its getting better all the time
not much i can say its really getting better

the game is getting better i dont know the release date but when its done you will know

still working on game

started working on the game

i have been working on the game today

it is great but with mp3 files the game does not play the music its not the game its the program i use
so… it coming soon

side tracked

got side tracked with school and the new game Pokemon moon
so its been harder to make the game but I will get back to it soon

this game is taking longer to make then ever

I am making this game a lot. it is taking longer then I expected but to make it as good as I wanted it to I will have to make longer then I want

this game is coming amazingly

the music is amazing. the music and sprites are amazing :)
check out the new music I posted its amazing

slow rebuild

with me working its a slow rebuild but I’m working hard on it making it better then the last version I had

making everything

I am making most of the things in the new version of the game
so I can get a sense of what I’m doing.

(closed) needed dj set sprite

(closed) dj set sprite needed

who wants to help with the creation of the game
send me a dj set sprite for rpgboss

see post above to view picture

do not need one made one (closed)