
Comments (10)

What do you think?

is this dark web

the download wont start

how do i open it

i havent got it yet but is this horror?

No trailer or anything....I bet this is the infamous unfriended Virus!

Game Soundtrack

4 songs

Pain Felt

Short, simple, action packed game!

(Not anymore, now just a simulator you can use!)

Use buttons 1-7 to navigate. (In order)

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Vanished Dimensions : Free Play Trailer and Page

Vanished Dimensions : Free Play

A whole new version will be coming related to this game ASAP! Entirely up to what you want to do ! Open world mayhem!!

Possible Prequel

Massive storyline will start to be told in upcoming releases, as of now expect another complete game as soon as June 2015.


A sequel to Vanished Dimensions 1 will be coming out sometime in early 2015, so be ready!