
Comments (2)

What do you think?

It hasn't ending, is it? I was playing for a long time (maybe about 2 hours) and didn't see any ending.
Anyway, enjoyed the game, thanks)

*some people are having trouble getting past the gas leak event in the tutorial, if you press right mouse button you will drop the fire extinguisher in order to fix the leak. hope that helps

*it also helps to not trop the fire extinghisher to near the doors.

play as Jeen Vickers as she explores the cosmos.Maintain your ship and travel as far as possible into the galaxy.

This game started life as a prototype for a game we were making for the Oculos Rift. it started as a proof of concept but we soon found that we were having a lot of fun with the prototype so we polished it a bit and this is what we have ended up with.

we do intend to take the idea further but we wanted to post what we have so far and get feed back.

we are aware that there is a bug in the alarm system. you may find that warnings stay on the screen after you have dealt with it. we will update if this becomes a big problem for people.

hope you enjoy


Mild Cartoon Violence
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