
(DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT AN ACTUAL GAME!!! it's just a place for me to trashpost without cluttering the main page :D)

CODECPOSTING is where I rant and rave about my obsessions and random encounters. Think of it as an alt account, but more accessible. If you really want to get to know me better, follow this page 🔥🔥🔥

(P.S. yes, this is family friendly just like the main page. you're welcome :D)


okay okay fine I'll say it

it's my birthday lmao

i'm 2 now

anti meme + r/bonehurtingjuice dump!! ^^

tiny update time!!

apparently I have bronchitis :(

it's not serious or anything but i have to use an inhaler and take these pills

just discovered r/bonehurtingjuice and it's an absolute GEM

still kinda under the weather, BUT

here's some cool memes I found that cheered me up!! >:D

guys i'm so sorry I haven't been online lately

I came down with something and i've been feeling absolutely miserable these past few days 😭😭

(it's not as bad right now though)


breaks into the room and stomps across the floor very aggressively and ungracefully

i never understood the pure irony that is comedy drama

like, if you're trying to be serious, why mark it as a comedy that's meant to be funny?

and if it's a comedy, why mark it as something serious?

but then again, is drama truly serious? 🤔

fun fact about me: i actually haven't touched this in a month