Green Sans Made In Scratch
2 months ago

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Traslate: Call Of The Void




Next up

I Said To The Other People That If There Swear There Will Be Reported And This Noob Dare Me So Ban This Guy For 1 Week For Dare

5th Devlog

Devlog 3th

6th Devlog

New Update Soon Coming This Month Or Next Month If The Update Gets Cancelled I Will Cancel The Game The Update Will Not Get Cancelled this time

The Update Is Talking A While Because There Some Bugs That I Need To Fix Possible Release Date: 2 Days Or 3 Days Or 4 Days Or 5 Days Or 1 Week The Update Is Still In Works :)

Read The Article For Future Updates Preview

Devlog 4th

Devlog 2th

Devlog 1th

devlog 6th