Got to make it a quick update:
There is now an obvious portal out of the After Game room to chapter 2.
Fixed some grammar errors.
Got to make it a quick update:
There is now an obvious portal out of the After Game room to chapter 2.
Fixed some grammar errors.
Senpai has noticed us!
Progress report
Sample of Gnarlus' New Faceset. Trying to make him more Reptilian Looking.
Sneak Peak of Chapter 4. Yes, its all correct.
Preview of Gnarlus' New Faceset. Thanks to Rusty Mudstix for the Art.
What is in the works.
Almost Done. Needs one final tweeking for stats and Debugs.
Because reason.
I just wanted to show whats planned for the final boss of Chapter 4.
No, this is not an April Fools Joke. Chapter 3 is almost ready.