Happy Easter everyone. Today I am not delivering eggs, but instead delivering Bug Fixes.
The Ground Work for the Multiple Endings have been put in place, but to find them you would need to restart the game.
Added a script that makes it so that the game will not crash if it is missing an asset (More specifically Face Graphics) I am almost 100% certain that I have caught them all at this point, but if you come across any missing assets, you will get a pop up saying “Please contact the developer about this.” But you will still be able to continue the game as normal. I have tested this with multiple types of assets and it should work.
Enemy Weaknesses have been greatly changed. If attacked with the proper Element, it should do between 200% to 300% extra Damage.
Encounter Rate in Chapter 2 has been reduced further from 30 steps per encounter to 40 steps per encounter.
Tweak Experience gain a tad.
The Bucket found backstage on Chapter Two has been fixed. It will now count as one of the cleaning supplies. Honestly I can’t believe this bug had eluded me for so long.
The “Bad” ending should be fixed.
Fixed more “Missing Asset” Errors.
Fixed the side door in the Left Wing of the Asylum. It will no longer trap you.
Fixed Brutus’ Dialog. He should now provide more exposition.
Broom Closet Scene now properly plays if the correct conditions are met.
The lighting bill has been payed in the Asylum, and the final Library Scene should not be pitch dark.