Hello everybody! This is just a minor update, but I needed to fix the playability on aspect ratios other than 16:9. For those on 4:3 and 16:10, the main menu chopped off way too much on the sides, thus potentially causing the play button not to be able to be pressed or many of the levels to be changed. Everything should fit now but on resolutions lower than 1080p, everything will start becoming smaller.
As for aspect ratios wider than 16:9, the in-game FOV was zoomed in too much. The fix was to make the FOV scale proportionately to the width of the aspect ratio. No matter the aspect ratio, the FOV should feel like 90 degrees.
If these changes cause new problems, leave a comment and I should get back to you soon.
Last thing; I plan on adding the character info soon, but I wanted to improve compatibility ASAP. For now, the button doesn’t do anything. And of course, more bug fixes and minor improvements. Until next time!