project whisperless

5 days ago

01/07/2024 - day 5

Today has been tough, I carried on my work with the health into today and the health bar is okay but I have had to replace it due to the work required to properly set up the hearts animations with the health. Will try again eventually.



Next up

28/06/2024 - day 2

I played around more with the collision code, it acknowledges that objects are touching but it for some reason clips past the object with no real explanation.

I finally put in place the health visual but I need to make the health work.

29/06/2024 - day 3

I finally started applying textures and music to my game, alongside starting work on the layout of the main players home. Will likely start moving onto health systems and inventories soon.

05/07/2024 - day 9

Today I've been working on the time/day and night system all day. I initially thought to match the day with irl time but that soon proved to be a bad idea and opted for this sun and moon system. its either night or day. No time. (yet)

02/07/2024 - day 6

So today has been pretty uneventful but I decided to start working on the game at around 2 in the afternoon. Been just searching for new assets and started working on the kitchen of the house. Will try to do more tomorrow.

04/07/2024 - day 8

So I have had a very slow 3 days so this adds to that but I extended the house at the back, and I textured the bathroom to blue, I'm going to start putting assets into the house and then start expanding to building the world outside.

30/06/2024 - day 4

I finally decided to have a go at the health system of my game. Its not quite as easy as I thought it would be and is still buggy but here it is working-ish

OKAY! SO, since I have finally been accepted into college for a games dev course. I wanted to share a screenshot from a mini game i made at college last year as I already went to college as a linc student

Thought I would make a community for my game if anyone is interested, I know there's not that many people yet but it is always best to have things ready early ^-^

03/07/2024 - day 7

development has been pretty slow near the end off the week, but I finally started placing assets around, I think the house needs to be expanded a little bit though as the rooms are too small in their current state.

06/07/2024 - day 10

Posting early to say that I won't be working on my game all day because friends but yeah been working on this in game clock again. trying to make each day 24 minutes so thats going to be cool. This is probably the most coding I'll do.