Reisen Udongein Inaba's Schoolhouse - Baldi's Basics V1.4.3 Mod
2 months ago

1.0.3 Update 1 Is Now Here!

Changed Math Hard, Some Stuff (Codes Are Ispired By Red's Basics In Education And Anger)

Nerfed Eirin & GottaSweep WaitTime

Added Stamina Percentage (code by ddanielslurp)

Added ModExtraAssets Clickable Objects (Used Mouse Cursor Select)

Reisen's Sprite Is Now Static Rather Than Corrupt Baldi Wave

Pause Menu Change Text Code By TheDarkBaldi 12-2022

Thank You!

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blud thinks he's in goanimate

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oh my godness i found the original when i lensed reisen image and it appeared at random chance

yay i found the original image for reisen in bbig

cool baldi apple fanart

Happy 3 Months Of My Mod!

Welcome to my community!

this is the 3d toons design red from a angry birds blast banner ad

this model looks low-poly

why baldi is fucking 6+ in this ad

baldi is a horror game

why there is incredibox in this ad

what the hell bro