
4 years ago

1.0.6 - single-stage starting points

  • By request, you can now choose a stage starting point in single-stage mode: the beginning, the boss, or the checkpoint if there is one.

  • Add left and right arrows to make option settings visually distinct from buttons.

  • Add more force to some camera shakes.

Bugs fixed

  • On some old or uncommon controllers, moving in certain directions could also fire weapons or bombs, depending on the button assignments.

  • High score was recorded when beating final stage in single-stage mode.



Next up

Demonizer #BlackFriday sale

$9.96 until Monday 11/30

- All digital - no workers harmed

- Updates weekly - some nice features today:…

Update plans for 2021

Demonizer is done

1.0.4 - single-stage mode, achievement medals

1.1 - Snow and Boss Rush

First Demonizer reviews are great, but plenty of room for more!

Try it and let me know what you think in the comments and also Metacritic

(Read article for links to pictured reviews)

Raspberry Pi

My latest #shmup project HONEY GUARDIAN comes to Gamejolt!

A short but growing score-attack game for Windows and Web (and others via love file)

Since I've been gone

1.0.2 - requested improvements and stuff