Anima Messorem(Super Mario '93 Remake)

7 months ago

1.0 will change EVERYTHING, like the update from mario 93 to Anima Messorem?, NO, bigger, a lot bigger, better sprites, improved gameplay, even a better tv effect, trust me, its huge, it will be released the next year, old sprites and new sprites.

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Just testing some fl plugins

mini Emoji art contest due to Anima Messorem 1 year of existence *happy* join or im gonna call ur mom

a screenshot of the old 1.0, im gonna improve it a lot cuz i don't liked it

Join the Crimson Hell Community if ya wanna see the new updates of Anima Messorem :D

what did you say about ravioli?

*prowler theme*


heya, help me voting ruins.end, that will help me a lot :3…

Este fan fan game es oro puro, el diseño de Crimson Hunter es mejor que su primer diseño no te miento.

This fan fan game is gold, the design of Crimson Hunter is better than the first design ngl.

somehow Anima Messorem got 100+ followers :D

better sprites, more work to do, for now i dont have enough time, im just an egghead trying to remake a spoopy fangame.

If someone wants to help you can follow the game, join the discord idk, thx 4 reading :3

Wall Jumpin' SMB1 Mario can't hurt you, Wall Jumpin' SMB1 Mario isn't real.

W A L L J U M P I N G S M B 1 M A R I O:

el Mario de SMB1 con wall jump no existe, no puede hacerte daño.

M A R I O D E N E S C O N W A L L J U M P:

I will not show a lot of the new level.

Mind level will be based on exploration like the ice level(Ice level and the second cutscene will not be playable on the demo), also, the background is just a placeholder, could be replaced later.