Two Valley Nights At Stardew
1 year ago


So yeah, this is a big update:

Mostly it was game breaking buging fixing

- Fixed some bugs whit Abigail Ai (mostly the invisible thing)

-Also Fixed some annoying double combos that would happen very frequently in the night

(Maybe there is a bug whit the buying system in the game? Not too sure about that)

That's all For the update (I actually didn't add anything groundbreaking like adding characters n stuff like that, I only changed the stuff that was already done so I think it is allowed I guess)



Next up

Hello fartass!

Oh wait

There was supposed to be an update on this game


I actually already did the update without the new mechanics n shit so I'm gonna upload that instead of redoing the mechanics that I was planning

Poop theater..

this fatass is the single handely the whole reason i even die in minecraft fuck this dude lmo #MostFearedMob

Good one gamejolt!

Keep destroying your website with useless bullshit that no one likes!

Seriously tf is going on with this site


So I got in second place, cool, probably gonna update the game as an none gamejam update to nerf up some of the ai and change up some of the mechanics

Oh shit

Today is my spawnday


I only have 2 Days left to complete 1 more ai and the custom night screen and saving system.

Wish me luck