Hey y'all, another update, which is HOPEFULLY the final one. It simply fixes one issue.
The game would crash if Dixie spawned and shot her bullets, Ads appeared, and 2 of the viruses appeared at the same time. I fixed this issue by making Dixie's bullet amount down to 3, but making them EXTREMELY fast.
Now for a message. For those who actually PLAY my games and enjoy them, thank you. I've been wanting to make games for the longest time and even though i'm very limited with my resources with making one, i have alot of fun making them.
I was planning to make another one, but if i did, what could i change about it? It would be the same exact thing as the last 3 games. So this is where the train stops for the series. That's not to say these characters will be forgotten. I may sneak a few into my games as easter eggs.
Big thanks to Scott Cawthon for inspiring me to make these games. Along with my friends and all the indie game developers.
For now, if this is the final update i have to do for this game, which i'm pretty sure it is, then it's been fun with this series. But i gotta move on. Stay tuned for my next game!
See ya!