8 months ago

1: can i order some kiwi pizza?

2: 666 is the scary devil number

3: hello clone tails i want to know whats your favorite fnas game

4: *give taco*

5: Sometimes I think why did I have a crush in all the versions of Foxy from FNAF, I really want to know why!

1: this is not a pizzeria, call another number
2: yes it is, and i once saw a bike with it XD
3: well, its really between maniac mania and fnas 3
4: thanks, but i prefer spaghetti, NYEH HEH HEH
5: uhhhhhhhhhhhhh wut?



Next up


Goddamn baguette

Will you take @N-moment ?

literally any racing game ever:

(i meant to type this on the meme but it wouldn't let me no matter what i did ;-;


the homies brought a friend along for the fight

me after watching a video on an undertale fangame to see how to consistently do a difficult attack:

Why is N at the pentagon?!?!

twin loafs