7 days ago

#1 - Differences between Universe 7 and Universe 14 Saiyans.

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Surprise :D

So... You know those 2 posts I made during my break about Fruppet being a Super Saiyan and that Silverback thing.


Yeah that was like... a page or 2 in the google doc.

Ya wanna know why? Cause I'm making a Dragon Ball Universe! And I'm not talking about a universe where it's like, "Uh! This character is now in the Universe with Goku and is one of the strongest characters!!1!111!!"

I'm a man of honesty! And a man of a reasonable plot! So, I decided to make a Universe 14! It's a whole thing but pretty much:
Zeno doesn't destroy 18 universes. Thats it, thats the entire story.

Why am I doing this now? Well, I kinda wanna make a fangame about it in the future, but not right now, cause I've got a FNaW storyline happening. Plus writing this story is a nice lil' side thing I can do, but if it isn't your cuppa tea, then I'll still be doing other stuff too like the Thoughts with Fruppet and the FNaW games!

I'm just Saiyan!

Lets start off with the topic of this post, the Saiyans! First off, lets talk about the story for them. It begins similarly to Universe 7, with their original planet becoming uninhabitable due to natural circumstances. The Saiyans of this universe are less aggressive, so they wouldn't have an internal conflict.

They eventually go to Planet Plant and integrate into the Tuffle Society, becoming more vegetarian than their Universe 7 counterparts. Eventually, the planet does get explodificated by the Freeza Force of this universe, the Arctic Empire, (More on him during the Arctic Saga or something, I dunno). Before their eventual Boomification of the planet though, they created a few defence robots, including C-F37. If you couldn't guess, that is the boy:


They made a lot more but theres not really a point in mentioning the others (for(eshadowing) now).

So like, why is there 2 Oozaru's?

Oh yeah, the thumbnail, should probably explain the Lion in the room. In the 14th Universe lore, there was an event known as the Shining Moon on Planet Tenko (The name of Planet Plant after Fruppet is created) which caused several inhabitants of the planet to transform into the Lazaru. The Lazaru is pretty much just the Oozaru if it was on a bag of... sugar... yeah... sugar. It's more uncontrollable, about 75 feet tall and it has incredibly tough skin.

Ya wanna know something that makes it much worse? Lazaru's only require 4,000,000 zeno's worth of Celestial Lights to transform (and no, we don't mean the literal god child, Zeno). One of the good things about the form is you can control if you transform or not. A pretty nice and practical feature if you ask me.

Ok, but surely this doesn't have that much of an effect on the story, right?

I mean, of course it does. Why would I be mentioning it here? Whilst we're on about story, I should probably talk about how I'm writing these. I've currently split it into two main sections at this point; Pre-Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball. There is a somewhat similar structure to the original series (AKA the one with the Ka-carrot).

Pre-Dragon Ball is self explanatory, it's before Fruppet arrives on earth and is found by Ganboru Kepa or Gambol Capers, who is the Dr Briefs. of this universe. Dragon Ball is one he arrives on earth, loses his memory due to the harsh climates, and is named by Gambol's daughter, Leap. I've decided to split each section of the Dragon Ball part into saga's, similar to the actual show. To put things into perspective, the first saga, Fruppet's Fighting Spirit, has 4 arcs in it, with the first 2 arcs mainly focusing on developing Fruppet's new characters and introducing the other characters.

It also pops into space every now and then to introduce us to the Vegeta Crew of the Universe; Chife, Scall and Habane. Heck, we even get another character who I'm not gonna talk about until I have him more so in the story.

The current saga that I'm writing, The Howling Hunters, begins to even include the Arctic Empire in some way, and no they aren't attacking when Fruppet is at a power level of 162.

Why I'm making this post now instead of when I have more of a story, but I've been working on this for quite a while now and decided to finally talk a lil' bit about it! I'll probably update this little universe in the future for the public to know about. But, I wanna get back to writing this universe cause I've still gotta write about the Arctic Empire part about the Howling Hunters. So, for now! Chao!



Next up

OK. Now the game is available to play. Any bugs, just report them here, etc. etc.

Okay, the game hasn't been immediately worsened by the fact there was like countless bugs. There was only one bug that I didn't know. Doin' better than Time Shift's release day, hell yeag

What yall thinking of the new buttons for MMT, I've had to change them to actives because (as I found out), if someone doesn't have a specific font on their device, it just shows symbols.

I am a man of my word, heres 1/2 of what I promised (for now, I'll do Gulak Later. (He's the guy whose laughing with Fruppet in the corner)

exactly how I wanted to wake up today. cheers man

something something, squares.

I didn't post it in the communities like a fool. Thats just what taking a break does for a man.

Talk about a Nintendo Direct huh?

[Goes without saying, but SPOILERS AHEAD!]

Makin' Bowsers Jumpscare, decided to make a meme real quick. Surprisingly, I've only got 3 more AI's to make for MMT and then the main nights are done. So that's cool.


ooga booga i am steve the ghost. fruppet has told me that you should get this game to 100 followers.

if you do fruppet will make an actual reference for fruppet and gulak. steve out

Still no game-breaking bugs.

I think I've done it guys. I've become a reasonable Game Developer.

Now if you'll excuse me I got a Manor to Takeover.