3 years ago

1. How capable are you of handling being a mod?

2. How long do you plan to be online daily?

3. Can you take responsibility for this community?

4. Will you follow the basic guidelines?

5. Will you or will you not abuse your powers as mod?

That's about it.



Next up

Beta build releases next week

Sorry for the lack of updates on the game, irl stuff yk?

Update 2 on that art thingy lol

It's my b-day today! :D

Ngl I don't expect anything much I'm just happy I've gotten the opportunity to be with you all for so long!

A separate Allister Megalo Strike Back cover.

Title: 支配している者〜Since when you are the one in control? (The one who is in control~Since when you are the one in control?)

Anyways idk what to do today

I believe in Sariel supremacy.

Every day I'm shuffling

Fnf fans don't say it.,,.,,.,.,.,,

The thumbnail of the game's itch.io version.

Simply just a modification of the original thumbnail.

Hi I got a uhh

TikTok account where I post random things like memes and what not if yall wanna go check that out, might do more once I find what works.
