2 days ago

1. Last Breath :3

2. Hm...

3. Uhm... I...*flustered*

4. Crack

5. I blew up Malaysia

6. Beep bop brep

7. Can't get more than I have

8. Still not forgiving you -_-

9. Uhm, uh! That- how- UHM!

10. Yay! Kaboom!



Next up

So, I proposed to her. Let's hope this goes alright, and doesn't end up in a heaping dumpster fire that results in me hating myself for the rest of my fucking life.

Anxiety is great

Reaper Hallows (3)

Erm how the hell do I make a game page?

1. Forget what that means

2. What balls? :>

3a. Sonic Adventure 2

3b. Arcade Showdown

3c. Go Fuck Yourself Trevor Phillips

4. No I'm at work

5. Yo soy Luigi-


Reminder that this show tops Family Guy in my opinion

Been busy at my job today, I'm fucking tired