The Genius Night

3 years ago

1 year ago today, I released this chaotic joke game we all call The Genius Night (yes the poster's not that great shut up)!

The recognition this game received may be small, but at least it was all positive. All that matters is that Bud saw this and played this (albeit a bit late but better late then never), and that's cool.

Genius Night 2 is on hold as I want to focus on a different project that started development before that one. It's a quarter (maybe half idk) way from being done, 4/7 characters are coded. Though it'll be a while before the game does get finished since I got someone to help out with coding one of the character's mechanics and he's got other shit to do (and procrastinates like I do).

Anyways uh, enjoy yourself, and download and play this game if you haven't, and that other game once it's finished, it's gonna be lit.

Also, happy birthday to @333lol, one of this game's helpers (and one of the helpers of the upcoming game).



Next up

Two Nights with Furries - Fan Game or Original?

Happy 10 years to FNaF. Dunno where I'd be without it. This series gave me a passion for game development and maybe even art in general. I don't have much to show off so take this singular screenshot.

well hot diggity damn

gothic update

Teaser for one of the 2 new characters in The Genius Night 3.

Haven't shown much for Genius Night 3 on GameJolt, so here's some screenshots.

5/11 characters are done (had some help on 2 of them).

hello everyone! damien has probably already spread this fucking image around and all, god- but im the original artist whoaah!!!!11!! it was part of a lil silly art stream i did in my discord cause i was just bored as fuck one day 2nd pic is the full thing

nice hat, Pigsty