The Sullivan Story: Treasure Island
6 years ago

1 Year and 1 Day.

Hi everyone,
It’s officially been 1 Year and 1 Day since the original FNaTI2 released. I honestly can’t believe it’s been a year, but somehow it has.
I want to thank you all for following this game and staying for this updated version.
Now on that update:
I’ve been absent for 2 months now, with very minimal progress made, and I hate that. I want to make this update as efficiently and quickly as possible, to not keep you guys waiting, however I have been slacking off and basically being lazy and not working on it.
I am so sorry that I have nothing to show off today, simply because I have not done anything.
But that changes today.
Today I am starting to pick the voice actors for this game, giving them their scripts, and implementing them into the game. This may take a while, as I need to type out all of the scripts, and that it a very taxing process, however I will keep you all updating on the main page of when people are officially chosen to voice in the game.
While that’s going on, I will also try and finish character AI, starting with Mickey. I will keep a progress bar of all of the characters AI on the main page as well.
Once again, I must thank you all for 1 Year and 1 Day of incredible support and patience, and I hope in the next month or so, I will have something more to show off.
Until then,

  • Josh



Next up

Five Nights at Treasure Island: Origin Story Announcement!

Just Gonna Confirm This Now ;)

BOOM! Another blog post!


Development Update 2: Remade the Animations for the Menu Screen to make it Smoother.

New blog post!

Coming Soon...

This is What NIGHTMARES are Made of...

Just some gameplay screenshots to keep the hype train fueled ;)