
2 years ago


Teaser made by @RFDSC_Games.

Also, for those who are wondering: the 10 on the release date indicates the month in which the game will come out on, not the day. I know there are a lot of Brazilian people following the game, who use DD/MM/YYYY. But, since our major audience is from the USA, we're using MM/DD/YYYY.

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Just leaked @MaroonFox 's address in his scratch theory video. Ddon't underrestimate a vector's power Under any peculiar and/or familiar circumstances Please.



The trailer looks so cool.

holy crap 6 va submissions for the game?! tysm yall! I’ll be hearing them all out later today. idk if all the people who submissioned are gonna see this, but congrats! if only those were William’s real voice lines, though…

Bet you didn't expect me to stream RUIN again... even though I already beat it, we'll go easter egg hunting! It'll be a shorter stream, so tune in at!

Hey everyone! More Ruin on the way, this time with an extra serving of little Music Men bots! Come check it out at if you want to!

Trailer as shown in the @FNAF_Fest Event.