11 years ago

17.11.13 *Finished game*

So…i finished the game i think.

I didn’t changed the default icons of rpgvx, i didn’t knewed how.

But the game stills there. If you want to play it and you’re welcome.

It’s rushed maybe, and made without a lot of enthusiasm, but there it is.

If you found a bug or something, sorry. Oh and, you have 2 endings to see.

You’d rather not playing it two times anyway but, you know xD




Next up

A preview of my ongoing painting of Laharl.

New music track. "THE MOCKING SKY"

Full track:

Designing this dude for a low poli 3D.

More enemies sighted!

How would this little fella translate into 3D?

New graphics!

This is not even %50 of the dungeon. Jeez.

Do you like big areas?

The weapon dealer.

Does the design hints its job well enough?

14.11.13 The game is almost finished :3 I choosed to add 2 different finals to the story. But meh, this is just a rest for “Tombs & shovels”, i didn’t putted much effort on this one. But i got this picture by now >_<

Streetsad part 3 bosses!!

Which one's your favourite?