17' Five Nights at Sonic's: Redacted

11 months ago

17' Fnas Redacted - Devlog 1 (Read Article)

Welcome to the first 17' Fnas Redacted Development Log!

Hello, as you can see, I've decided to do some devlogs for the game from time to time, currently the game is still in a kind of early dev and I won't be showing anything about the gameplay yet.

In this devlog I'll just say some stuff that will be included, stuff that we have prepared and answer some question you left in a previous post.

The Game Itself

17' Fnas Redacted has been in development for nearly 2 months, and honestly I think we could have better stuff prepared yet, but unfortunately, us developers have a life, and also a bit of laziness.

However, with some luck the game will be finished in early 2024 I hope, so far we have only made the main menu, the custom night menu and a bit of the main gameplay, no characters have been made yet.

For it's final version the game will have 5 main nights, an extra 6th that will work as a Finale and a Custom Night with 10 challenges, which 2 of them will allow players to enter the Hall of Fame, under certain conditions, you will find about it later.

The final game will contain a maximum amount of 14 AIs prepared to go after you, which is twice as many as the first game.

I know Fnaf 2 is known for being basically RNG in higher AI difficulties, but I'll try, emphasis on TRY, to make this game more skill based than RNG based, but I can't promise that RNG won't be a problem in higher difficulties.

As a help to not being such a focus demanding name, you will have infinite power, no matter how much you use the lights, cameras or anything, no power will be drain, although certain pest may try to destroy the energy supply.


Exactly, unlike its predecessor, this game will have a playable demo!

Said demo will contain the following features:

-2 Fully playable nights

-Initial Cutscene

-7 Fully programmed AIs

-Rot Tails' skin (Can you guess what will be the skin be?)

-Most of defense mechanics being functional

-Camera system fully functional

The release date of the demo is uncertain, but you will be notified when it gets stablished.


It's time to answer the questions you've left in a previous post, I won't be sayin who posted the questions but it's not hard to go to said post and see who did it, so, let's get into it!

Q1: Fnas 17 release date when11!!!!?/j

R1: February the 30th

Q2: You know i have had this question/thought in my mind since i've played fnas redacted.. is that thing on the bottom of mighty's chin a beard or just fur?

R2: It's pretty much a beard

Q3: Why do Clone Mighty and Tails have beards?

R3: I thought it would look cool

Q4: Why didn't a new version of bot-Mario appear?

R4: Mario unliked his image from the company after the events of the first game

Q5: Do you think Rot Tails and Tails-Bot would get along romantically canonically?

R5: The answer is no, for the following reasons:

1.- Tails-Bot has no feelings

2.- Rot Tails is freaking nuts

3.- Rot Tails mostly only thinks on food

4.- Rot Tails isn't mechaphilic

5.- Tails-Bot has quite a childish looking for what matters to Rot Tails

6.- Rot Tails finds weird the existence of a robot of him but female

Q6: With the removal of our boy Big L (Luigi) will he ever make an appearance some other way?

R6: Yes he will, it won't be a great one, it's not important in any sense for lore, it's not even canon, but he will have his little apparition.

Q7: What was the inspiration behind the FNaS Redacted Series as a whole?

R7: Excluding the obvious part of being a kind of remaster of the og FNaS saga, it basically was most that at the beginning of the year I was really into FNaS games, I even joined the discord server of FNaS and there was this little channel named, fnas-fanart and one day I was just bored and wanted to draw something and since I was into Fnas stuff at that time, I said, "Why not?", but I had to have an idea of what I was exactly gonna draw and at one moment I said, "I will do my own take on the Fnas cast", and so, I began to draw, I decided to begin for the Golden Gang, and at the end I was left with this:


The first Fnas concept art I ever made, which is currently lost to the fnas-fanart channel, and my computer of course.

And I continued, I made the whole saga, I will not be showing those drawings since they are absolutely horrifying, and one day I spotted this art of an office for another fnas fangame I guess, and I was like, Imma do that, and I made this abomination:


Again I made one for each game, and you can actually find those drawings in my gamejolt account, and some time later, I realized that my concepts for my Fnas take were absolutely horrifying so I began remaking them, but this time I began with the Fnas 1 cast:


Which again, can be found on my gamejolt account, you can check it out, but don't really try to guess what's comin for future games since I've changed stuff that make some of the things of the drawing not accurate.

But at the time, these were just drawings I made for fun, by the time I was remaking my vision of the third game I wanted to make a game, and I looked for help, no one answered, but then March arrived and I was month from entering college and since my career is related to code stuff I decided to make a game, and you already know what I did, however I had to do it almost completely alone, basically the only thing that was made by another person besides all the audios taken from internet are the phone calls which were recorded by my friend @LunaticLun .

And so, I made Fnas Redacted as a way to prove myself that I could make this kind of stuff, now I continue with 17' and I will continue with the other Fnas games because it's just fun to me.

I think I have nothing more to say for this devlog, thanks for following Fnas Redacted and for taking your time to read this. See you in the next update.



Next up

The gang is reunited!

What are you looking at?

17' Fnas Redacted Recruitment (Read Article)

Nightmare toy salvage sonic(remake)

A little update to not left this place to rot. Rot Sonic and Amy's sprites are finished.

origintrap game over



this is not for fnas manic mania recoded, i draw it because i got bored

Uuh... hey

Demo out now!


Game page's got some new images : )