The Lost Ones 2: Remastered
3 years ago

2.0.0 releasing soon

So this update slipped right under my nose resulting in forgetting to upload it,

2.0.0 includes the Endless Mode along with a scoreboard on Gamejolt and Ingame too, so remember to log into your gamejolt account through the options menu, and even unlock some trophies!

Just to warn you all, please make sure you aren't sharing your screen when you put your Game Token in, as it isn't yet censored and would rather not have your token get leaked!

Token censoring I hope to come in a later update, but as of now here's this while I work on TLO:TI!

How Does Endless Mode work?

To ensure the player can always have a chance of getting a p big score on Endless Mode, depending on your dedication, every in-game minute you get a small bit of flashlight back to help continue your run, so use it wisely!

I'd like to thank WeedChip$ and Rayray for testing out the new version too



Next up

Merry Christmas, I hope you all got coal under your tree

2.1.0 Bug Fix released

I kinda wanna expand out what I post here on Gamejolt like what I post on Twitter, on the side I like to play a bit of Pokemon GO so what if I post some achievements I get, like this Hundo Dratini from Spotlight Hour?

A little teaser of what's to come. Teaser I cooked up for you all as a treat. ;)

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He's still learning

Question by @Inverted_Minnie

LTSB V1 soon.

This is kind of an out the blue post and quite off topic from the things I usually do. But I made a Sonic Frontiers mod featuring Blaze the Cat considering people never really see her in any games nowadays.

Aw shi we approaching 2k followers on the community. I might have to post something if we hit the goal.

i hate my life

patch coming soon

The Winner is now added! Claim your smiling Suicide Mouse sticker!