Hello everyone and welcome to this second Captiny devlog!
Today, we finally decided on letting you have a first sneak peek of our inventory system. Most of it is already functional, and we now just need to link it with our shop system.
So, what does our inventory system looks like? Well... It looks pretty simple, and even though we will fix the visuals more in the future, it will normally not change too much.

Each item will have 1 slot max, and the maximum quantity of each that you can collect in your inventory will depend on your levels and on the construction of some specific buildings.
Each of them can be used to craft and/or build in order for you to develop your base camp and help the NPCs.
While working on this inventory, we also added a potion hot bar.

Two types of potions are for now available: health and energy potions. Three sizes can be collected for each: small, medium, and large.
Those will be particularly helpful in your explorations of the multiple biomes and dungeons that we have yet to create.
Finally, we started working on the shop system. The shop will allow you to buy buildings that you will then be able to place where you see fit in your base. For now, we don't have any visuals for it, but we hope to show it to you soon!
So, what are your thoughts on this inventory and hot bar system? Is there something you would like to see?
Play well and stay safe,
~ Theana Productions' team ~
PS: We added two basic inventory system repositories on our Github if you are interested in building your own.