1 year ago

2 weeks ago, I made a post explaining about how bad the internet is

The main thing I was talking about about the internet was the discrimination. I probably should have done this in that post, but I'm gonna start a group. Basically just a group for anti discrimination. It'll be a discord server, so you should have a discord account to join. If you don't have a discord account, yet agrees with me, say #AntiDiscrimination in the comments. When I make the server, I'll send a link in the comments, so be on the look out

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Next up

Just trying to learn duolingo here

Introducing: The JDF Game Jam! (For real this time)

The good days

Check in every friday for a new Scallop the Turtle comic strip!


...well, here we are...

I'm going to try and find a way to keep stringless, mainly stitches alive, other than making a game #KeepStitchesAlive #Stitches4Smash

Since when was this game on steam (Read Article)