5 months ago

2023 happened better than expected, and I hope 2024 does so too.

Happy new year and what not! as another chapter closes in the world's worst written story ever called "life", I once again ponder over the same two questions:

1.What did I even do last year?
2.What now?

So, to keep this "post a recap of the past year" shtick running, I decided, why not answer these questions both to me, and more importantly, to you. After all, It'd be really funny.

What did I even do last year?:

Despite what both you and I would originally assume, I did manage to complete and release some projects last year, on top of releasing parts of some others, these being:

1.Down The Rabbit Hole's Gamepage
The supposed be-all-end-all of the year(s(?)) of semi-constant remaking that regrettably did not get much progress done because of course it didn't, I cannot confirm nor deny if I'll even work on the game this upcoming year but I guess only time will tell.

2.Firemann's Furnace Factory
The first "full" game to be released last year... half a year in... It was fun to work on it honestly, I like the game despite it being as subpar as all the other games that I've made in less than a day. Golden Firemann doesn't exist, stop lying to yourself.

3.FNF: Inside Of NonReality Nonexistence
First Friday Night Funkin' mod that I've done that isn't completely and utterly worthless! Also more likely than not the first anything that I've done to have been played by someone on Youtube, despite the cool stuff about the mod I do feel like the instrumental of Impermanency is not the greatest, but anyways I sure do hope that this pixelated face character nor the place it resides in ever become hyper-important to anything ever!

4.Escape The Haunted Factory -Retrapped-
Wacky lil' thing made in a day with maybe a bit too much effort put on it, not much to say, I like it but I am pissed that I lost the .sb3 file for it, guess the world wasn't ready for ETHF -R- Unfair Update...

5.Christmas Is Dead And We Killed It
Ending the year off with a (relative) bang! This thing was both fun and stressful to work on, and it's not really in it's finalized state 100%, but I like it. Also I originally made this as my team in MC's Christmas jam's saving grace (since one team member left and the other didn't participate after the fact) but I decided to release the game separately as the world's lamest power move, lol, lmao even.

What now?:

Well, being completely honest I'm not quite sure myself! I'm not necessarily working on anything in particular in my backlog of projects nor am I really doing a new one all together, and I can't quite promise anything because at this point you can guess why, but hey! Guess that means you get to figure it out whenever I do.

My overall thoughts on 2023:

This past year was definitely more remarkable than 2022, that's for sure, I found myself going into corners of the internet that I would never thought I would ever find myself in (or that I was actively avoiding for years in advance.)

The projects that I got to work on be it complete & released or otherwise were more fun, gimmicky and interesting than the ones for previous years.

For some reason I got to 100 GJ followers this year???? Thanks, I guess?????????????????

This year I have definitely set in stone the way I'll go over doing my gimmicky wacky (and sometimes gaslighty) antics from now on as a self-titled "chaotic evil arsonist".

Overall? This was a pretty fun year, in my opinion of course, hell, I'd even go as far as to say that this was the first year in this decade that I actually liked! If only I could remember anything that happened prior to August, lmao.

Obligatory "Thank you" part of the year recap post
Thank you to @Timezone-Maniac-Studios , @Timezone-Maniac-Studios , @Timezone-Maniac-Studios , @Timezone-Maniac-Studios and @Timezone-Maniac-Studios .

This end of year post was so much better than the last one, Jesus.



Next up

Day 5 no fnArf moivie

No time to explain, here, have a gamepage.


DTRH is In a desperate need for a rework.

(Read article)

Apologies for the delay on any updates or devlogs for this game, my laptop broke like a day after I posted the gamepage and is currently under repairs and I can't do crap without it.

Cock and Ball.


Day 4 no FNaF movie
