All Right so Every New Year, I'm going to make a Giant Update/ Retrospective about the Year.
2024 was the First Year I awoke from my great sleep of 2023, In Late 2022 I had left gamejolt and deleted all of my posts and put all my games in one place, For most of 2023 I has Mostly Inactive on any Online Social Media besides the Occasional Post on my Old Now Deleted Twitter. But in 2024 I decided to Come Back to Gamejolt and Start Learning Gamemaker.
This Year has had its Ups and Downs for me but im still happy about what i've accomplished from making new games and new characters.
However on Christmas, My main Gift was a Drawing Tablet! And now I can start practising my art skills which will allow me to do more Content in the Future!
Now I'm going to go over my Current Projects and Give Updates on them:
Avocado in Space:
Version 3 was on a Hiatus for most of December for various Reasons such the Fnar Updates, My Other Games, IRL Stuff and also since its my First Gamemaker Project that means the Project File is Really Messy and Unorganised but Development has Picked up Recently and now I can share the Big Change to V3:

The Overhauled Multiplayer!
The Original Multiplayer will remain as “Deathmatch” but there will be a Brand new mode which will be Round Based and have a Proper Win/Lose Condition Instead of just shooting Cookies Aimlessly Forever.
This has been the Main Game that I’ve been working on, I haven't shown really any Gameplay so far due to it being in a Very Unfinished State but I will talk about how this Game ties into Fnar, For Contex, In Late 2020 I made a Very Basic Point and Click Test Thing in Clickteam called “Five Nights at Riley’s” and from 2020-2022, I would make new Instalments (Most of which have been lost to Time) and the Series would be the Debut of my Main Avatar Riley, Recently for the 4th Anniversary I revived the Series with new recodes to them and announcing a Brand New Game which is Chronophobia, This will be the Final Game in the Series and will tie everything from the Fnar Series and make it fit with my Current Lore in a Way. I hope to share more Updates on the Game soon!
Fnas Chaos Cafe:
This is Unfortunately the Game I have to Least to Talk About, What I said in the Last Post on the Game is still true right now however with me now having a Drawing Tablet I should be able to Start working on the Game Soon.
My Character Universe:
Right now, My Characters have been pretty underutilized and have mostly just been blank slates with nothing to them. I'm hoping to change that with Chronophobia being set in the Universe and making more Drawings and Stories to Expand on their character soon.
That's all for this Massive Post, Thank you to everyone that has supported my Work, I hope to Make Bigger and Better Content in the Future!
Happy New Year and Welcome to 2025.