5 days ago

2024's Finale: The Assassins 1 (2000-2009)
The Final Mission: Silent Stalker (Final Fight Against Anonymous)

YEAR: 2009
June: 30th
Difficulty: (Choose in Comments) (Easy, Medium, Hard, The Silent Stalker I (Very Hard), The Silent Stalker II (Very Hard+), The Silent Stalker III (Extreme)

Style: Stealth & Combat

Plot: The Assassins Have Witnessed The News About Anonymous Crossing The Line, They have Captured White house, and have President and his Daughter: Claire Held Hostage.

Daring Assassins to Attack

John Tyler Aka TD Knowing the Risks are gonna be high, must be take the Approach

He failed as a Veteran Once, He wont do it again.

John and Slade Plan the Stealth Approach, as The Chaos Happens outside,

The Assassin Soldiers/Resistance Team will attack the Front Gates, Fighting with the Enemy, while Slade does his Recon

John Enters in, Clearing out the Enemies, Stealthfuly, if he gets caught, President Dies so as his Daughter.

If Caught: One of the Mercenaries of Anonymous will Alert the leader.

And after encountering the soldiers, he gets attacked by snipers, Slade Takes care of them, and so John enters to Oval Office where president is held hostage.

But notices the Wires are Primed,

And so The Leader of Anonymous Exposes himself Wanting to Kill John and Then Killing the President, to Be The Leader of The Nation,

John cant allow Anonymous to win, so they enter to Final Fight Between each other, as Fight Gets brutal, TD Wins the Fight but, In last Second, John saves the President from his Death.

But Warns that His Daughter is on roof, about to be killed by Gravity.

TD Cant allow that, as he runs to rooftop alone, Finding Claire on Edge of Roof, Telling her to leave the edge.

Claire is manipulated because Anonymous Made her think Assassins killed her Mother and so she had enough of Blood and Deaths around her.

TD Responds that it wasnt his or His Team's Work, they never killed her, they saved her

but Despite all of this, Claire had with Lies and So..Jumps.

TD in stare, He Jumps Down with her, Saving Claire in Mid Air, Taking Two Damages in Back and Front

As Claire is saved, Swat Team Arrives, and so Civilans Gather, Seeing TD Holding Claire, after letting her go

President comes and comforts her, Making President Believe TD and The Assassins are not what Anonymous Paints them as.

TD also Tells his story of the incident in 2000's, The Hotel in Los Angeles.

President is in disbelief, and acknowledges's Del Tyler's story, Wanting to Fire These Corrupt Swat Teams away.

TD Refuses President to say John's Name in The Speech, he wants to be known as "Nobody"

President Dosent like it and so says that he deserves a title of "The Silent Stalker"

TD Likes it, but so he disappears in shadows, Marking his Final Mission Completed.

After 1 Week Later away from White House Incident,

TD is standing on rooftop as sunrises, President Making the Speech about the Anonymous being shutdown, saying The Assassins Group isn the Murderer Cult or The Terrorist Organization, they're the Heros dont deserve, but the ones, they need.

They Thank The Silent Stalker (Aka TD) For The Work he does for The City.

and so The Part 1 of Trilogy Ends as TD Vanishes in Morning, Continuing his work as a Cybernatic Assassin or so called "The Silent Stalker"'s Legacy

The Post Credit Cutscene:

In year 2010 January, a Woman in Black Coat with her Pope's Staff walking in, To Border of Arab, Two Security Guards notice her telling her that this is Restricted Area, and to leave.

as The Woman dosent listen, She attacks Them with Brutal Combat Skills

as Radio Calls out to hear their Guards's status, Liza Responds In arabic "...Tell them, they have been...set Free from their... Misery Heheh"

as then she says final words "Ready or Not, This time, No More Mercy for the Weak!"

The Part 1 Ends as Prophetness's Laugh Echos through, lowering bit of Pitch.



Next up

Final Chapter - The Death Sentence (Introduction)

I got Gold camo for FJX Imperium Aka Intervention from MW2 2009 Now in MW2 2022.

I'm The True OG So Fuck y-

Chapter 11: November [Completed]

Select because we will fight Anonymous in December 29-30

The Final Month - Completed. i'm done.

The Conclusion..is Near.

Wow i even failed this one, even though i was active every day, i even took that thing on December 1.

Be Ready.

2024 Completed Now What?

The Final Countdown Begins Later..