Steel Seraph (Full Release)
9 years ago

2nd Demo complete, showcased at Hal-Con 2015!

Approximately 30 people came to my booth to observe and/or play my game, which was mostly well received at the convention in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

  • Fixed bugs related to the gamepad (pause, dodging)

  • Added a new demo stage, the missile installation (A ground stage with an air stage boss)

  • Fixed some transition bugs that left event flags set when they were meant to be cleared.

  • Added new enemies (Narkissos, an item mimic with a timed explosive; Gorgon, a rapid-firing obstacle that can be forced to turn in another direction by shooting it; Minotaur, a sub-boss composed of a set of treads and an axe-firing upper body; Arachne (Ariadne currently, will change in next build); the boss of the stage that fires webs at a rapid rate).

  • Added a demo disclaimer and a credits screen to the introduction of the game. Both can be recalled in the title screen.

Stay tuned for weekly updates to the development of the full game!



Next up

April 7 (1.2.0)- -Improved transition icon/objective marker system ​-Objective available on the lower left corner of the map. -Critical bug involving a large, persistent black square when activating the map was solved.

​Version 1.7.0 of #SteelSeraph is available on Windows and Linux.


-A new and improved HUD -Two act 4 sidequests (Hell Off Earth, Argos Panoptes) -A fully implemented final version of the microjet. -Flow improved throughout.

Steel Seraph is finally done. Inspired by NES games like "The Guardian Legend", this is an action-adventure game where you fight to save a colony planet through land, air and space, with a growing arsenal against dangerous foes.

It'll likely be tomorrow before I can finish the objective marker system overhaul, but here's a screenshot of a new interface message box on the lower left. The game is now available in early access, and I'll update it after the overhaul.

Seraphine- Plainclothes

​Version 1.7.0 of #SteelSeraph is available on Windows and Linux.


-A new and improved HUD

-Two act 4 sidequests (Hell Off Earth) with endgame subweapons

-A fully implemented final version of the microjet

-Flow improved throughout

Screenshots of the game in the form it will take on March 30 (subject to change between then and total asset completion.)

Rockin the Guitar, an Axe like Guitar I made for my Uni project

Some time ago, we posted a screenshot of the Mexico level. A curiosity about it is that, like some other scenarios of the game, it was inspired by a real landscape, The Basaltic Prisms of Santa María Regla. It is one of the natural wonders of the country!