7 months ago

(3/?) Alright here's a big one, this is every single character mechanic that would've been in the last version of QUICHE.

Note that there would've been other characters, but most of their mechanics have been lost to the sands of time, and I don't feel like posting the ones that I have rn. Also I know there's some other junk in some of the characters descriptions, which I'll go into later detail later on in a different post.

Quinnlivin: He is always in your office, watching your movements. But he doesn't really care, he's just trying to get some sleep. Though if you make too much noise, then he'll have a problem. Just turn the radio on until he's put back to sleep. Category: White From: real life

Naraka: When the lights are off, he will be attracted to the glowing stars. When the lights are turned back on however, he will notice you. Wear the mask to make him go away.

Cutepikmin: He will be on the desktop, working on the next CPUCN update, totally not against his will. Occasionally though, he will start banging on the monitor screen, totally not because he's trying to escape. To get him to stop, open the command prompt and type "cp_execute" to have him return to a docile state. If he breaks the monitor, he will enter real life and kill you. Category: White From: Cutepikmin's UCN

Chris: He will be walking down the front walkway. Be sure to have either the mask on or the lights off, but don't have them both active at the same time. If he notices you, your vision will start to flicker, eventually leading to a jumpscare Category: White

Ono: She will start in the "Intel room", then make her way down one of the halls. When she appears in one of the doorways, use the gun to shoot her down. When enragement is activated, she will skip the hallways altogether and go straight for the doorways. Her enragement only lasts 30 seconds once per night Category: Grey From: Ono's Infinite Complex

Yeeguy: He will be in the Freezer, drinking his cherry coke extremely loud. Play an audio cue to make him choke and stop temporarily. If he finishes the chips, he'll just decide to kill you afterwards. Category: White From: YMCE

Slate: He is chained up in the freezer, forced to confront his tormentor. However the frigidness of the freezer will freeze the chains off of him. Every hour one out of 4 chains will loosen up, you will need to maintain the chains by clicking them a bunch of times. If the chains break, he will come for you, and there is no mercy. When Enraged, all of his chains loosen at once. This happens once per night. Category: Grey From: Ono's Infinite Complex

Kimberly: pieces of her portal will appear around the CAM system. Clicking on them will collect them. Be sure to collect all 20 pieces before the night ends, or you're dead. When enraged, she'll enrage all the OIC characters active alongside her, not counting The Smeller. This only happens once when the portal isn't ready yet. Category: Grey From: Ono's Infinite Complex

Thelxinoe: She will start crawl out of the ocean on the Beach cam, and will attempt to make her way towards the front door. Using audio lures will move her back a step. If she leaves the beach camera and enters the front door cam, there's no way to make her turn back. Once she enters the building, she can be heard running down one of the two hallways. Be quick and shut the door on her. After hitting the door she will bang on it, causing you to lose 15% power. When Enraged, she will instantly move to the front door. Though in this state she only removes 5% power. This only occurs once per night Category: Grey From: Ono's Infinite Complex

Zacgreed: He believes you owe allegiance to him, so he will slowly summon himself into your room. You must light candles in your office by clicking on them to protect yourself. When the candles are close to or have been burnt out, you will see hallucinations of Zacgreed appearing in your vision and in the office. If all candles are burnt out, you're as good as dead. When Enraged, a candle will be blown out by one of his void creatures. This can occasionally happen once every 30 seconds. Category: Grey From: Ono's Infinite Complex

Betty: She has put Yeeguy merchandise for sale up on the clicker system. Not to mention you signed a contract before the night started to promote said merchandise. You must collect enough cookies to buy the merch bundle, which will then be put all over your office afterwards. Not abiding to your contract before the night ends, and Betty will send a Yeegoon to terminate you from the job. When enraged, she will raise the price of the merch bundle just to fuck with you. It only happens once per night when the bundle hasn't been bought. Category: Grey From: Onoverse

The Goob: Leaving the fan off in your office will cause floor dust to accumulate on the floor. Once the Goob enters at 6 AM, he will begin to feast on the dust. If he is satisfied, you'll live : D If he's really satisfied, he'll give you overheal. If he's not satisfied, he'll go into the server room and disable the monitor for the rest of the night. When enraged, ??? Category: Grey From: Ono's Infinite Complex

The Smeller: He will start within THE END, and will make his way to your office, you must stop him with the doors. Every hour, The Smeller will enrage, reforming into one of his brethren. 1 AM: Squatto - He's able to break doors but is lured by audio cue. 2 AM: Satellite Oni - He can disable your tools if looking at him for too long, but will not attempt to enter your office in this state. 3 AM: Blockman - He gains 2.0x speed and will bash himself on your door, removing 3% power. Using the audio lure will stun him temporarily.4 AM: Roach Oni - Completely invisible on cameras, and can crawl past the doors. Use the mask instead once he gets on the desk.5 AM: Blob Oni - Will melt through your doors, but will be stopped by the gun.6 AM: Clock Oni - Will change the timer's color to a dark blue, and change the number to a number between 1-5. Depending on which number it is, The Smeller will remorph into that creature. The night will end after this hour is up. Category: Grey From: Ono's Infinite Complex

Trom: He runs a successful business, and will host a zoom call with you. His Webcam will be in the top right, though will sometimes start buffering. It's not on his end though, it's on your end. Go to the desktop and repeatedly click the internet button to fix the connection. The internet must be on in order for it to work. The longer Trom is buffering, the more frames you lose. When enraged, he'll instantly buffer and send you to 10 fps Category: Grey From: Onoverse

Dr. Bernard: The good doctor will offer you his medication. When taking the medication, you will have a chunk of your sanity restored, and if Maro has removed your keys, you will get all of them back. After taking his free sample he will start making you pay for them if you try to take more. When Enraged, he will activate the nanomachines to poison you, which will remove however much HP depending on how many pills you took. This only occurs once per night, and if you did not take any pills, you are completely safe. Category: Grey From: Ono's Infinite Complex

Mushmare: He can appear in one of the two office windows, banging on the glass and putting cracks in it. Use the audio cue at the closest hallway to scare him off. The cracks he puts in the windows are permanent, and if he cracks it enough, he will jump through the window, and kill you shortly afterwards. When enraged, he will activate spore bombs, which cloud up the windows, making them harder to see. This lasts from the beginning of an hour to the end. Category: Grey From: Onoverse

Mort the Mouse: He will appear in the hallway. Afterwards he will appear in the office with 2 Fake Morts besides him. Click the real Mort to defeat the vermin. When enraged, 8 Fake Morts will appear instead of 2. Category: Grey From: Onoverse

Fumes Salesman: Once per night he will enter your office, offering you his fumes. You absolutely must buy his fumes for $5, or he will kill you. After buying and consuming the fumes, your view will warp for an hour.Category: White

Almighty Cosmic Brownie: It has rather small chance to appear in your office, but when it does, it will grant you a wish. Either a 30 second time skip, a health boost, or increasing your sanity meter. When enraged, he will instead reverse those wishes into curses. This only happens if you make him wait too long. He gets even angrier if Toy Tails is active. Category: Grey From: Ono's Infinite Complex

Uncanny Yeeguy: He thinks this game is terrible, not cool... He will stand around in your office, getting more and more uncanny just being there. Going into the desktop and turning your internet off will make him canny again. If he reaches the final level of uncanniness, he'll just strangle you to death. Don't let him get too canny, or you'll be blinded by how super gamer he is, killing you instantly. Category: White From: Original

The Penis Monkey: He will be approaching you from the radar. When he is in the office, he will only kill you when your health is low, as he is not for the weak. Using the built in audio lure from the radar will lead him away from the building. Category: White From: Original

Tim: A battle menu will appear in the middle of the screen. You must be sure to pick the ground type move before Tim slaps the shit out of you. Picking any other move will have a small chance of killing the rat, but the ground move is a guaranteed win. Category: White

Fat Fuck the Stern: He will sometimes block one of the doors, preventing it from opening or closing. Clicking the cookie enough times will cause him to leave. Category: Green

Niko: He will roam around the building, and will attempt to reach the left or right doorways. Using the lights will cause him to leave shortly after. If he manages to get inside, he will drain the building power quickly. Category: White From: Oneshot

Niko Plush: He will sit on your desk, and start vibrating more and more, demanding that you feed her pancakes. Go to the McDonalds camera and buy pancakes to please the boy. If he gets too hungry, you die. Category: White From: OneShot (merch)

Hat Kid: She will crawl through the sewage system. When she's at the end of the pipe, close the emergency lock on her. She is immune to the snares. Category: White From: A Hat In Time

The Conductor: At 4 AM, he will strap a bomb on you. You have until the given time limit to find all the codes, hidden on each system. Category: White From: A Hat In TIme

DJ Grooves: Advertisements will play on your monitor if you have it open for long enough. You will only be able to skip them after the timer is up. You can skip them by pressing the button or by pressing ENTER afterwards. The only way to have the ads permanently gone is by purchasing QUICHE Premium on the Clicker system. From: A Hat In Time

The Snatcher: Once an hour, he will give you a contract to complete. Finish the task before he takes your soul! Category: White From: A Hat In Time

Moustache Girl: Time pieces will be falling from the sky. Touching one will cause it to break, which will make time go backwards by a few seconds. Category: White From: A Hat In Time

Peppino: At 3 AM, you will hear the doorbell ring, signalling Peppino has appeared at the front door with the pizza you ordered. Go to the front door and click on him to collect your pizza. HOWEVER, he also wants to be tipped! You must pay him at least half of your current coin amount to satisfy him, and you can choose how much to give. Giving him less will result in him punching the generator, which will half your current power amount. Giving him 0 coins as a tip or leaving him waiting outside will result in death. Category: White From: Pizza Tower

The Noise: It's just the ymce 1 mechanic, don't know what to tell you. Category: White From: Pizza Tower

Mushroom Toppin Monster: It approaches from the left hall. Keep track of it on the monitor and shut the door when he is standing in the doorway. It moves faster as the building gets warmer. Category: White From: Pizza Tower

Cheese Toppin Monster: Unlike the other characters in the sewage pipes, once the Cheese Toppin Monster reaches the pipe opening it will never leave. Use the pipe-snare to prevent it from making it that far. Category: White From: Pizza Tower

Tomato Toppin Monster: Keep its music box wound or it will come to get you! Category: Red From: Pizza Tower

Sausage Toppin Monster: It gradually leaves Aisle 7 if you don't check on it regularly. Once it is out, it will enter your office piece by piece. Category: Red From: Pizza Tower

Pineapple Toppin Monster: When it appears on your monitor, quickly close it or change the cam to avoid its jumpscare. Category: White From: Pizza Tower

Scout: When you hear him laugh, it means he's about to run down the walkway to your office. Be sure to have the mask on before he enters! Category: White From: Team Fortress 2

Soldier: Rockets will be shot from the corners of the screen. Touching them will deplete your HP. And be sure to watch out for crockets, which will instantly kill you. Category: White From: Team Fortress 2

Demoman: Whenever your monitor is flipped up, stickybombs will be placed all over your office. After flipping your monitor down, be sure to click them all before they detonate and kill you! Category: Red From: Team Fortress 2

Heavy Weapons Guy: When he enters the left hall at 2 AM, be sure to buy a sandvich from the McDonalds cam before he enters the office! Category: White From: Team Fortress 2

Sniper: A laser pointer will be following your cursor, be sure not to be in it's sights by the time Sniper shoots at you! If you get shot once, it's game over. Category: White From: Team Fortress 2

Spy: You stole his mask, and he wants it back! He will crawl through one of the two vents in your office. Be sure to flip the laser to the one that you hear him crawling through! If he enters, he will take back what's rightfully his. Category: White From: Team Fortress 2

Sniper bot: it can be seen on the radar system after scanning it. In the pause menu, you have the option to call a vote, which after people vote, the sniper bot will be kicked. If you aren't fast enough, the sniper bot will headshot you. Category: White From: Team Fortress 2

Fem Scout: She will appear in your office after closing your monitor. Do not open your monitor until she leaves. If you do, she'll smash you over the head with a metal chair. Removing a huge chunk of HP, and disorienting your vision. Category: White From: TF2 mods (Mechanic by @zacwrath )

The Civilian: He will be located in Ono's Room. Playing a noise will toggle him generating money for you. The only drawback being that the money generator will take up one bar of power. Category: Pink From: TF2 Classic

The G-Man: He can appear on any camera after switching to it. Be sure to find him and click him to make him leave. Letting him stay there for too long will cause him to drain your sanity, as well as causing hallucinations to appear on your screen. Category: White From: Half Life 2

Mojibake: It will be in your office. After a while, it will start screaming, and recording your keyboard movements, as well as having a key above it. If you're pressing the same key it's reading, it will jumpscare you, and remove a chunk of your health. Category: White From: Rivals of Aether Workshop

Tamat: Static will build up on your screen the more you click your mouse. To remove the static, you must run the MalwareBytes anti-virus that's located on your desktop. Category: White From: Rivals of Aether Workshop

Segerak: It can be seen on the top of your screen, slowly making its way to your location. Once it is there, be sure to have your mask on! Category: White From: Rivals of Aether Workshop

Jinjos: At the beginning of each hour starting at 1 AM, a Jinjo will appear in a random camera. Be sure to pick it up before the hour ends, or else the Jinjonator will be summoned to finish you! Category: White From: Banjo-Kazooie

Grandmas: They are nice grandmas. They will be for sale on the clicker system. Buying one will raise the multiplier of how many cookies you get per second. However, the more you buy, the more likely you are to start the Grandmapocalypse. Once that starts, Grandmas will start moving their way down the walkways to your office. Click to get rid of them. If even one reaches the middle hallway, you'll regret causing what you started. Category: Green From: Cookie Clicker

Papyrus: At 3 AM, your soul will appear and turn blue! Afterwards, bones will appear from the right side and move to the left. Use the arrow keys to avoid getting hit by the white bones. Blue bones can be avoided by not moving the arrow keys. If you make contact with a bone, you lose HP. Papyrus will stop attacking after 4 AM. Category: White From: UNDERTALE

Sans: At 4 AM, he will use his special attack! Category: Green From: UNDERTALE

Undyne: She will launch spears down the sewage system. Use your snares to block off the attacks. Watch out for yellow spears as well, as they will change to the pipe opposite of them at the last second! When a spear makes it to the end, you lose HP. Category: White From: UNDERTALE

Gaster: He will slowly materialize into your office the more your lights are off. Once he has fully materialized, he will error out your audio systems, before returning to nonexistancy. Category: White From: UNDERTALE

Stuffed Freddy: He will start from The Club, and will move to your right door. The only way to stop him is by watching the camera he's on. He can also be cam stalled. Every time he moves, he laughs. Once in the right hall, you can also close the right door to keep him from slipping by your defenses. From: FNAF 1

SAVETHEM Mangle: The more noise being made, louder his static will play. If her static plays loud enough, he will jumpscare you. From: FNAF 2

Springtrap Newspaper: He will move throughout the building. Using an audio cue in a room he's close to will lure him to said room. Eventually however he will reach the windows. Luring him to the hall he's closest to will send him back to that hall. Once he's in the front hallways however, you're as good as dead. Category: Red From: Five Nights at Freddy's 3/Ultra Custom Night: Campaign Mode

Remade Nightmare Freddy: He is remade, but not by you, by Yeeguy! He will enter your office and instantly kill you at 6 AM. Until that time you have the entire night to make a remake of Remade Nightmare Freddy, who will fight off the original Remade Nightmare Freddy. To do so, you must spam click the marble block in your office to chisel it into the remake of Remade Nightmare Freddy. Category: White From: Ultimate Custom Night

Merica Mangle: After closing the monitor, he can appear, climbing around the rafters. Turn the lights off and wait until you hear a metal clanging sound. Category: White From: MUGEN

Eyesaur: A hole has appeared in the floor in THE END. Eyesaur will appear in there, and his eyes will disappear one by one. Clicking the hole while having more than one cookie from the clicker system will feed him, bringing an eye back. If all the eyes are gone, the Eyesaur will jumpscare you. Category: White From: ONAF 2

Golden Flumpty: He may sometimes appear in one of the doorways after using the door lights. Turn them off before you're greeted with a jumpscare! Category: White From: ONAF

Cactoe: He will sometimes appear in the open vent in front of you. Swap the laser to the side he's on to make him go away. If you flip the monitor up while he's there. He'll enter your office and steal your flashlight temporarily! Category: Green From: One Night at Flumpty's 4 (my version)

Merlinmaid: He's in the Mcdonalds camera, just trying to order some food. But since he doesn't have any, he'll just steal your money instead. When you see him on the camera doing his evil wizard spell, your current coin amount will slowly drain. Play an audio cue in the McDonalds cam to make him stop. Category: Green From: One Night at Flumpty's 4 (my version)

Reaper Puppet: Don't hover your mouse over him too long! He only affects the office. Category: White From: Final Nights 3

Lockjaw: He will roam around the building, though cannot be seen on the regular camera system. Using the Animatronic Camera tab on your maintenance panel will show you where he is. When he appears to be in the hallways, close the door on him. Category: Red From: TRTF

Thomas: He will start in the mystery zone, with his theme playing, before appearing in the hallway. Use a combination of the heater and the mask to get him away. Category: White From: Five Nights at Thomas's Mechanic by: @unknownter

Beejoof: Four different bee hives will be located in the Left Hall, Mcdonalds, Closet, and Freezer. You must watch all four of these cams as much as possible. If one of the cams are not watched enough. The wired explosives attached to the hives will detonate, and one of the Beejoof clones will come to you and block your view. If all four clones are present, the real Beejoof will come and finish the job. Category: Red From: Djoof's UCN 1R

Toy Mario: He will appear from the right side of your office. Put on the mask to make him leave! Category: White From: Five Nights at Sonic's 2

Toy Yoshi: She will appear from the left side of your office. Wear the mask to make her leave! Category: White From: Five Nights at Sonic's 2

Taingle: She moves through the sewage system. She is immune to the snare and the door. When she is at the end, wear the mask to make her leave, making her iconic static noise when there. If you have the monitor up while she's at the pipe entrance, she'll enter the office, maxing out the noise meter, and eventually killing you. Category: White From: Five Nights at Sonic's 2

Phantom Taingle: She can appear in the cams while switching them. Close the monitor to avoid her appearing in the left window, causing an audio error and raising the noise meter. Fix the audio error to make her go away. Category: Green From: Five Nights at Sonic's 3

Nightmare Tails: He'll be sleeping in the Intel room, but will be awoken from noise. Use the silent ventilation to soothe him back to sleep. If he gets awoken, he'll run into the hallway, where you'll have to use the flashlight to put him back to sleep. Once he leaves and returns to the Intel room, you'll lose 15% power. Category: White From: Five Nights at Sonic's 4

Toymare: He will climb through the sewage system, though will be hard to see on the monitor. Once you hear a metal banging sound, close the emergency lock! Category: White From:Five Nights at Sonic's 4

Toy Tails: She will crawl through the sewage system. If you close a snare on her, she'll bite through it, making the snare on that tunnel unusable. She can be stalled from the emergency lock, but it will not reset her. Once she emerges from the pipe and scans the room, use the mask to get her away. Category: White From: Five Nights at Sonic's Maniac Mania

Purple Guy Animatronic: After taking the mask off, his image will flicker right in front of you. Quickly put the mask back on to avoid death. Category: White From: FNAF Hoax

Mario: Category: Green From: fuck you

Mario Enemies: Many enemies will appear all around your view. Touching one with your cursor will deal damage to you. Be sure to avoid them as much as you can! Category: White From: Super Mario Maker

Dry Bones: Starting from The Club, he will slowly make his way towards your window walkway in your office. The only way to impede his progress is by playing an audio cue, which will cause him to crumble. After a while he will get back up and continue moving. Once he's in the office, there's only one last thing that can save you. An ice flower will appear in the McDonald's cam once he is in your office. Once you purchase it, and reduce the temperature to a minimum, the bones will freeze and slide back to his starting position. The ice flower only appears once. Category: White From: Super Mario Bros

Elfilin and Magalor: Twice per night, one will appear in the left doorway, and one will appear in the right doorway. Magalor will betray and kill you, so be sure to close the door on him. Elfilin is your friend and will not betray you however. While there's no downside to closing the door on him. Leaving the door open will have him give you a small health bonus. Category: White From: Kirby

Air Batter: Baseballs will be flung at your cursor. If you get hit by one, you lose HP, as well as your screen slightly zooming in. Sometimes a jelly donut will fly at your cursor as well. Collecting it will make your screen return to normal. Category: Green From: Rhythm Tengoku

Daleks: At a completely random hour, daleks will swarm your location en masse. Constantly screaming and shooting lasers at your cursor. If you get hit by them, you lose HP. Category: Red From: Doctor Who

Hungry Pumkin: He will enter your office, demanding food. Four items will appear on your desk, and the pumkin will demand that you give him what he wants. Click and drag the item to feed him. If you give him the wrong thing, he murders you in cold blood. Category: White From: Pumkin Land

Dr. T: He's back and has prepared the brand new Mega Crab. It will slowly make its way towards your location via the radar. Using missiles and mines will push it back, and after getting its HP to 0, it will be destroyed. Category: White From: Boom Beach

Pepsiman: Pepsi advertisements will appear all over your monitor screen. Click them to close them.Category: Green From: Pepsiman

God: I must prepare to meet God. Category: White From: Squirrel Stapler

Tinky Winky: He can appear in the hallway. Shine your light on him to make him leave. Category: White From: Slendytubbies Mechanic by: @unknownter

RED: At the end of the night, you will play a minigame where you must escape from the demon. If you get caught before escaping, your night will be for naught. Nuking him will skip the minigame entirely. Category: oooo i wonder what it could be ooooo From: Godzilla: Monster of Monsters

Squimbler: when he appears, the brightness of the cameras decreases by 70%, you must find him hiding in the darkness of a random camera, if you catch him (by clicking), he will blow up and vanish for a few hours

When enraged he will undergo mitosis, spawning 3-4 clones, you must catch all of them.

lol i added these mechanics later, my bad for not organizing them with everyone else but im lazy V

Grolt: An icon of him can be present on the camera map. If you're on the same camera as he is, you'll turn to stone, being unable to move or use any controls for several seconds. You can lead him to another camera by playing an audio lure in another room, though you can negate this by turning on the silent ventilation. From: Ashes of Acrea

Slenderman: Collect the pages. One appears after another. After 1 AM, the Slenderman can kill you anytime at random. From: Slender

Monty: He stays in the beach camera, deactivated. When he activates, he will cause your systems to malfunction by themselves, and will malfunction more and more frequently the longer he stays active, until they become unable to be fixed. To deactivate Monty, go to his camera and play the radio until the battery depletes. The more noise is being made, the more likely he is to activate.

Timpy: You'll hear his ruler slap at random point, signalling that he's moving. Every seventh slap, it will be panned to either the left or right, signalling that he's at one of the two doorways. He also appears in the doorway light. Close the door on him until he leaves to avoid death.

Snick: He will constantly follow your cursor. Touching it will result in your cursor getting locked to the center of the screen, along with losing HP. From: Pizza Tower: SAGE 2019 Demo

Big Mort: When you hear him growl, scan the radar. If he's there, he'll appear in 3 separate locations. If it's on top, he'll appear in whatever camera you last watched. Stare at him until he leaves. If he's on the left, close the left door. If he's on the right, hold the light on him in the right doorway. If he doesn't appear on the radar, turn off the lights and wear the mask until he growls again. He will not appear until you scan the radar first. From: Ashes of Acrea

Weegee: He can appear in the monitor if you switch cameras too many times. However, he's changed up the rules for himself. This time, he wants to have a staring contest. If you break eye contact from him before he leaves himself, he will infect you with the Weegee Virus. While in this state, your health will rapidly drain, and your controls will become unstable for a while. The effect will wear off after half a minute.

Ms Gale Tornado: She can appear in your office once per night. While in your room, you gun will be replaced with a phone. While the phone is deployed, use the scroll wheel to scroll through different memes, and choose the correct one that Ms Gale Tornado will like! You can tell which one she likes by her body movements, since the people who made this model for gmod didn't give her faceposing for whatever reason.

GladOS: She has taken full control of the building, and will mess with you in various ways, such as opening closed doors, switching sending you to the incorrect camera you click on, and sometimes firing Rockets at you. That won't be all however, as you will also die at the end of the night by the deadly neurotoxin she's dispatched into the building. You must destroy her to ensure your survival. Sometimes when you enter a camera, it will be tinted orange, being one of GladOS' own she had placed around the building. Mash the camera button until it returns to normal. You must do this 10 times in order to destroy her. From: Portal

King Hippo: Let's go Mac Baby! King Hippo might not be in the mood for a knuckle sandwich, but he sure ain't immune to bullets. Make 'em eat lead and show 'em why you're the champ!

Grand Dad: Because he is a dead meme, he's become a ghost! When he is outside, he will decide to take either the left or right door. When he eventually makes his way to you, you will have to avoid looking at the doorway he is at to prevent a non lethal jumpscare, causing all of your systems to error out! Every 3 cycles he makes will also cause him to almost instantly appear in one of the doorways as well. The hotter the building is, the faster he will move.

Motos: He walks around your room, blocking whatever he comes across because of how huge he is. Sometimes though. He'll take his trolling to the next level, and try to grab one of your doors, afterwards running to the other side of the room to throw it off screen. Be sure to click on him before he does, as it will cause him to trip. The door will return to its rightful place after Motos drops it. Be careful though. If a character is in the doorway that Motos is heading towards, he will pick up that character instead. If you cause him to drop that character, they will already be inside your office. Don't trip Motos when he isn't holding anything too many times either, as he'll just get angry and kill you.

Kekcroc: A rare copy of the lost game is available in the McDonalds cam! Though it's rather expensive due to its rarity. The longer you haven't bought the game, the more plungers Kekcroc will launch at you. Each plunger that hits your cursor will stick to you, blocking your view while also taking HP. After you buy the game, Kekcroc will stop throwing plungers, but they will still remain if any have hit you.

Also as a reward for you scrolling down this far, here's all the secret characters that were planned. 20 was the max total of characters but I didn't make that many.

Master Hand: When activated, he will summon one of his own special challengers into the brawl! Every 2 hours he has a random chance to appear, and every character added will grant you 200 extra points.

Pizza Face: He is in your office, asleep, along with along with a counter. If the lights are on, the counter goes down. Off, and it goes up. If the counter reaches 0, Pizza Face awakens, and will chase after your cursor. Once he touches it, it's game over.

SCP-173: Its room will manifest into the building, creating a new camera to watch for. Keep an eye on it at all times, as the more you neglect to watch it, the more it will begin to move out of its cell. Eventually, it will enter your office. If you use your monitor at all while it's inside, it will kill you.

Virtual Withered Foxy: When it appears in your office hallway, flash your light at him to make him leave!

King K Rool: A fake 6 AM screen will popup, asking you to Either press enter or click to continue. Doing the action it asks of you will result in death. Instead, if it asks you to click, mash your keys until the screen disappears, and if it asks you to press enter, click rapidly.

Gaben: he will appear in your office once summoned. Occasionally he will demand 20 coins, though if you've spent your coins anywhere else previously, he will offer a sale that will cut his price down by a smaller percent. If you do not pay him fast enough, he will kill you.

Smile Ghost: It will appear in either one of your doorways or your hallway, it's theme playing louder the closer it gets. Use whichever light it's on accordingly to drive it away. You will not see or hear it while that specific light is on. Once it's fully driven away, it will choose a new hallway.

Mario 2

BREAK THE TARGETS: Once Master Hand summons the targets, they fly around in your office, along with a timer. You must shoot them all down with the gun before the timer runs out.

Spamton: A popup for free kromer installation will appear. Be sure to cancel the pop-up at just the right time. Failing to do so will make Spamton not only break your kromer counter, but also place many distractions on your monitor. If too many distractions are on screen, your monitor will crash and no longer work for the rest of the night.

Dreadwing: Your office will go completely dark, besides your cursor providing a small amount of light. Dreadwing will be somewhere in the room. As long as he is inside your room, the office will remain permanently dark, and the timer will be paused. Hover your cursor over Dreadwing's face to make him retreat to another part of the room. After finding him enough times, he will leave, returning light to the room and resuming the timer.

Hatsune Miku: Multiple arrows will descend to the bottom of the screen. At the bottom of the screen are four shadow arrows. Press the corresponding arrow on your keyboard right when the colored arrow aligns with the shadow arrow. Missing too many arrows will cause Miku to jumpscare you.

Golden Yeeguy: He can appear in your office after lowering the monitor. Open the monitor back up or use the mask to ward him off!

Lootbug: A couple will appear in random cameras, one eating away at your power, and one eating away at your HP. Pop them to make them stop, though if you can pop them at the right time, they'll give away an extra amount of your power/HP back! Take too long, and they'll scurry away with your power and HP gone.

Garfield: A phone will appear on your desk. If it rings, pick it up immediately. Afterwards you will hear a voice relay a set of numbers to you. Type out these numbers on your keyboard, and Garfield will not appear again for the rest of the night. If even one number is incorrect, you'll be his next meal.

1 comment


Next up

i hope i'm doing this right

I'm gonna be totally honest and say I really haven't been caught up on the current FNAF fangame trends. Are there any good games that've been released in the past year?

behind the scenes (there were a lot of transformers characters planned for the game.) This only proves my older post about how the gmod workshop is slowly and quietly dying.

Checking in on things to say I'm not dead.

i never thought I'd end up actually enjoying a roblox game but here we are


(1/?) Gonna start sharing QUICHE related stuff as I've pretty much gotten over it ending at this point. To start, here's a download of the map I would've used. (More info in the article.)


(2/?) Here's all the cameras, along with the characters that would've appeared in them. (It's a mess ik but gamejolt won't make it any easier to format the images neatly.)

I had thought about doing a QUICHE showcase showing off all the work I had done, but it seems like the full version of the office is pretty much gone. Both the screenshots of the office and the addons I use have been completely removed. fucking sucks :/

Yeeguy is BACK! Follow this game please, I'm a collaborator in it. https://gamejolt.com/games/CGUltraCN/922376