In the next part of the eerie saga within the abandoned toy factory, a tense confrontation unfolds between Logan Long Legs and Sarah, the self-proclaimed leader of a group of teenagers who have stumbled into this unsettling realm. The air is thick with tension as Sarah attempts to assert her authority over Logan, underestimating his resolve and independence.

Sarah's voice cuts through the dimly lit corridors of the factory as she barks orders at Logan, expecting him to comply without question. But Logan, tired of being treated like a mere pawn in Sarah's game, stands his ground, refusing to bow to her demands.

Their exchange quickly escalates into a heated argument, with Sarah insisting on her authority and Logan pushing back against her control. Frustration mounts on both sides as they clash, each unwilling to back down.

Finally, Logan reaches his breaking point. With a defiant glare, he lifts Sarah off her feet and carries her toward the nearby pool, determined to show her that he won't be manipulated any longer.

Sarah's protests echo through the cavernous halls as Logan approaches the water's edge. With a swift motion, he deposits her into the pool, the splash echoing in the silence of the factory. Sarah's cries fill the air as she struggles to stay afloat, realizing too late the consequences of underestimating Logan Long Legs.

As Logan walks away, leaving Sarah to flounder in the water behind him, a sense of empowerment surges through him. He has asserted his independence and reclaimed control over his own destiny, proving that he is no longer willing to be dictated to by others.

Meanwhile, Sarah's humiliation is palpable as she struggles to regain her composure, chastened by the unexpected turn of events. In this dark and foreboding realm, power dynamics shift with startling speed, and Logan Long Legs emerges as an unlikely hero, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.



Next up

Logan the stretch guy and Julia the stretch lady

Logan the stretch guy and Julia the stretch lady (BTW they are married and have 2 kids of their own)

Put this alligator wherever you like and in the title it must have #boomboom

Most of the characters that will be in the story

Logan the stretch guy and Julia the stretch lady 💙💚

New style for Logan the stretch guy

This is my real life dog his name is hank